"The ground wire is an additional path for electrical current to return safely to the ground without danger to anyone in the event of a short circuit."
(ns demo.core
(:require [ground.core :refer :all]))
The n->
and n->>
threading macros allow for predicates and side effects within their forms.
signals a predicate that will pass through the result of the
prior expression if true and return nil for the entire form if false
(n-> 6
(n? (> 5))
(vector 7 8)) => [6 7 8]
(n-> 9
(n? (> 10))
(vector 11 12)) => nil
(n->> [1 2 3]
(n? (every? identity))
(map inc)) => '(2 3 4)
(n->> [1 nil 3]
(n? (every? identity))
(map inc)) => nil
signals a side effect, such as printing or logging, that will
always pass through the result of the prior expression
(n-> 4
(n! (println "is the best number")) ;; prints "4 is the best number"
inc) => 5
(n->> ["right" "blue" "humpback"]
(n! (apply println "These are different types of whales:")) ;; prints "These are different types of whales: right blue humpback"
sort) => '("blue" "humpback" "right")