A Meteor Blaze powered Layout component for dynamic rendering and data. Its major features are:
- Dynamically set the layout template and data context.
- Define yield regions to dynamically render templates into.
- Never re-render templates unless they change
NOTE: Requires shark branch of Meteor
{{#Layout template="MyLayout"}}
This content will go into the main yield region.
{{#contentFor region="footer"}}
This is some footer content
<template name="MyLayout">
<h1>My Layout</h1>
{{> yield}}
{{> yield region="footer"}}
var layout = UI.render(Layout.extend({template: 'MyLayout'});
UI.DomRange.insert(layout.dom, document.body);
// set the layout template
// set the layout data context
layout.data({title: 'Some data context'});
// render a template into the main region {{> yield}}
// render a template into a named region
layout.setRegion('footer', 'SomeFooterTemplate');
The IronRouter blaze-integration branch has been enhanced to allow a pluggable ui manager. This will allow users to use the old Shark ui manager, the blaze-layout manager, or even another one entirely. If you add this package to your project it will start working with IronRouter automatically.
The API contract between iron-router and any ui manager looks like this:
LayoutManager.prototype = {
data: function (value) { ... },
setRegion: function (key, value) { ... },
clearRegion: function (key) { ... },
render: function () { ... },
insert: function (parent) { ... },
template: function (value) { ... }