Source code for the server emulator for clients 2002-2011
Compile on Python 3.9 x86-64 if you want to run/build from source using:
python.exe -m PyInstaller -F -i source-content.ico
Please note the code is constant work-in-progress and might not compile or operate correctly, please use the release zip for full functionality
- pmein1 - Server developer and support
- cystface-man - Server developer and support
- Dormine - Original python poc emulator code and updates
- Tane - Original app update code
- ymgve - Beta 2002/2003 and tracker coding
- steamCooker - Help with some of the intricacies of the Steam services
- BillySB - Website developer
- XJR9000 - Website developer and support/tester
- Rossen - ValvePython protobuf and CM code
- Da_FileServer - Original AppDataCacheToXML code
- Tomi + anon - Java VAC server code
- UAVXP - 2002 tracker client code
- GenoKirby - Provided assistance with the subscriber database
- NC-HardcorE - Testing
- Xaero - Testing
- Medik_red - Testing
- Alex - Testing