Coding Challenge: Customer Onboarding API (will turn this into repo)
Objective: Create a simple Customer Onboarding API using Express and TypeScript. The API should allow users to fetch required onboarding tasks and submit data to complete them. The initial tasks should be fetched from an external API.
Onboarding Tasks API Endpoints:
GET /onboarding-tasks: List all required tasks.
POST /onboarding-tasks/:id/complete: Complete a task by submitting data.
File Structure:
Organize your code into feature-based folders (e.g., onboarding-tasks/ containing related files).
Fork the Provided Repository:
- Clone the repository and create a new branch for your work.
Implement the Required Features:
Complete the implementation for fetching initial tasks and managing the onboarding tasks.
Ensure all endpoints are functional and handle errors gracefully.
Version Control:
- Raise a PR with a descriptive message.