This application provides customized book recommendations for a user based on their input.
Note: While using the application, when prompted to enter a book, please be sure to enter a book that we have in our dataset (books.csv). Otherwise, the application will not provide you with relevant recommendations!
- Ensure you have the following dependencies installed:
- Clone the repository.
- Download the Expo Go app on your phone.
- Open 2 terminal tabs in this folder - one for the frontend and one for the backend.
- If you are on Windows, please use Powershell with administrator privileges
- In the backend tab run:
cd backend pip install -r requirements.txt python
- If you are on MacOS, you may need to disable AirPlay reciever in your settings app in order for this to run
- In the frontend tab run:
You should then see a QR code in your terminal
cd page-turner npm install npm start
- If you have an iPhone, click "i" in the terminal, then go to your Camera app and scan the QR code.
- If you have an android, go to the Expo Go app and select the option to scan a QR code in the app.
- Run the application in Expo Go on your mobile device!