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A Spring Cloud boilerplate project to quickly start developing a microservice backend.


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Spring Cloud Microservice Boilerplate Project

This project was created to help jump start microservice development using Spring Cloud. Due to Netflix OSS being phased out, this projects shows microservice pattern implementation using Spring Cloud native dependencies.

  • Note: Although Netflix OSS is in maintenance mode, this project uses Eureka which is still supported.

Implemented Microservice Patterns

Design Pattern Description Service Tool
Service Registry Discovery Server Discovery-Server Netflix Eureka
Circuit Breaker Fault tolerance ServiceA Spring Resilience4j
Gateway Single access point to serve APIs Gateway-Service Spring Cloud Gateway
Client-Side Load Balancing Routing optimization ServiceA Spring Cloud LoadBalancer
Centralized App Configuration Runtime configuration modification Config-Server Spring Cloud Config

Microservice Patterns Not Implemented

  • Database synchronization using events
  • Communication with RPC (REST) or Messaging (Broker)
  • API contract
  • CORS configuration
  • IAM (identity and access management) for authorization and authentication
  • Access tokens using JWT
  • Monitoring
  • Containerization [docker]
  • Orchestration [kubernetes]
  • Continuous delivery [jenkins]
  • Testing services and integration

Projects and dependencies

  • Discovery-Server: Eureka Server
  • Hidden-Service: Eureka Discovery Client, Spring Web
  • Config-Server: Eureka Discovery Client, Spring Config Server
  • ServiceA: Eureka Discovery Client, Spring Web, Spring Reactive Web, Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker (Resilience4j), Spring AOP, Spring Cloud LoadBalancer, Spring Config Client, Spring Cloud Bootstrap
  • Gateway-Service: Eureka Discovery Client, Spring Cloud Gateway

Detailed Design Pattern Implementation

Below you can see how services work to implement each microservice design pattern.

Eureka Discovery Server

Registery service

  • Discovery-Server: A registry that takes care of service discovery using Netflix Eureka.
  • ServiceA: A Eureka client tha uses the discovery server to find the 'Hidden-Service'.
  • Hidden-Service: A basic Eureka client service with a simple rest controller. It is registered with the discovery server.
  • Config-Server: A Eureka client that is registered so other services can find and get config files.
  • Gateway-Service: A Eureka client that finds services by using the discovery service. However, it does not register with the discovery server.

Spring Cloud Configuration Server

Centralized configuration service

  • Config-Server: A service that handles centralized configurations. Configs are retrieved from git and served to services.
  • ServiceA: A basic service that loads its config from the config server
  • Hidden-Service: A basic service that loads its config from the config server
  • Config-Repository: A Folder on git, not a project. It holds configurations for multiple services

Spring Cloud Gateway

Intelligent routing

  • Gateway-Service: Forwards requests using defined routes. Also load balances when forwarding requests to service instances.
  • ServiceA: A simple service that gets requests forwarded to it from the gateway. Then, the service calls the 'Hidden-Service' endpoint.
  • Hidden-Service: A service that gets requests routed to it. It does not have a gateway routing.

Spring Cloud LoadBalancer

Client load balancing [netflix ribbon deprecated]

  • ServiceA: Makes a load balanced call to the 'Hidden-Service'
  • Hidden-Service: A basic service that can be called by a client

Spring Cloud CircuitBreaker using Resilience4j

Circuit breaker [netflix hystrix deprecated]

  • ServiceA: Makes a circuit breaker protected call to the 'Hidden-Service'
  • Hidden-Service: A basic service that can be called by a client


  • This project was created in a maven module format for easier development. There is a parent pom.xml, and child pom.xml. Make sure you do not but conflicting service dependencies in the parent pom.xml.
  • This project makes the assumption it will be used for synchronous web calls. It is not designed to support reactive programming or webflux.
  • Add the spring-cloud-starter-bootstrap to any client that needs to connect to a 'Spring Cloud Config Server' using a bootstrap file.
  • You must add the spring-boot-starter-aop to the pom.xml of any service that uses 'resilienc4j'. Otherwise, annotations will not work!
  • Add more runtime configurations in order to run a service with multiple instances.

Multi-module project

  • Make sure you update the pom.xml file of any child service added. It's parent needs to be updated to the projects parent, duplicate info needs to be removed, and it's a good idea to specify the .jar output name.

Running the project

With IntelliJ

  • First run the Discovery-Server to allow clients to connect to it when they startup
  • Then run the Config-Server to allow clients to use boostrap to set up their configuration
  • Now, you can run any service (eureka clients, config clients, gateway, basic services)

With Docker CLI

  • Run maven package for the project root
  • Run docker-compose up --build
  • Everything should get up and running properly