Drop-in iOS filterable replacements for FirebaseUI's FUIBatchedArray and FUIFirestoreCollectionViewDataSource in Swift.
Unlike FirebaseUI on Android, the iOS FUIFirestoreCollectionViewDataSource is not easily extendable, so filtering data after the snapshot is received is a challenge.
These drop-in replacements for FUIBatchedArray and FUIFirestoreCollectionViewDataSource provide a setFilter(_:) method to allow a DocumentSnapshot filter to be set on the datasource, which is applied on FilteredBatchedArray's snapshot listener.
The filter is a closure applicable to a [DocumentSnapshot] array. In other words, a (DocumentSnapshot)->Bool closure.
var dataSource:FilteredFirestoreCollectionViewDataSource?
let goodIdArray = ["goodId_1", "goodId_2"]
dataSource = collectionView.bind(toFirestoreQuery: query) { (collectionView, indexPath, documentSnapshot) -> UICollectionViewCell in
// populateCell body
dataSource.setFilter({ goodIdArray.contains($0.documentID) })
A FUIFirestoreTableViewDataSource version should be trivial to implement.