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Carlos Rodríguez edited this page Apr 11, 2016 · 7 revisions

Currently, you will need a file called config.yml from which the config properties will be read. This file follows a YAML format. You can find more information about YAML on its official specification.

The following code is an example of a basic config file written in YAML:

state_file: /home/rbcep/state.json
   - name: kafka
     class: net.redborder.cep.sources.kafka.KafkaSource
       zk_connect: zknode:2181
  - name: syslog
    class: net.redborder.cep.sinks.syslog.SyslogSink
  - name: kafka
    class: net.redborder.cep.sinks.kafka.KafkaSink
      kafka_brokers: rbfgawnoirli.redborder.cluster:9092
 json: net.redborder.cep.sources.parsers.JsonParser
   source: kafka
   parser: json
     attributeOne: long
     attributeTwo: string
     attributeThree: int
  source: kafka
  parser: json
     attributeOne: float
     attributeTwo: double
     attributeThree: bool

The following properties are available:

Property name value
rest_uri The URI from which the REST API will listen
state_file A file path that will be served as an state file (more about that below).
streams A hash with every stream that could be used as input and its attributes

State file

The state file is an snapshot of the current list of rules that are active on the system. Every time you add or remove a rule, the state file is updated. When the system starts, the state file is read and the rules that are present on it are automatically loaded and started.


If you want to use a stream from source as an input on your rules, first you have to declare it as a stream on the config file. You should specify three important properties: the source, the parser and the attributes


The source indicates from where the events are received, for example Kafka, HTTP or TCP connections.

Current sources:

parser value
Kafka net.redborder.cep.sources.kafka.KafkaSource

You can implement your own source if you wish. To do so, you only have to implement the Source Abstract Class. It has four methods:

     This method is called when the instance is builded. You can initialize variables or some instance that you need.
   public abstract void prepare();
     This method configure all the stream, which are configure with this source.
   public abstract void addStreams(String ... streamName);
    This method start all configured stream on this source.
   public abstract void start();
    This method is called when the CEP is shutting down and close the source.
   public abstract void shutdown();

You can find a implement of the Source class on this link: KafkaSource. Also, you must define a K/V property on the parsers section on config file, like this:

   - name: kafka
     class: net.redborder.cep.sources.kafka.KafkaSource
       zk_connect: zknode:2181
  • name is the source name.
  • class is the java class that is instance when you use this source.
  • properties is a hash that is passed on the source and it is used to configure the source.


Sinks represent where the output goes to. So far available Sinks are: Console, Kafka and Syslog. You can implement your own sink if you wish. To do so, you only have to extend the Sink Abstract Class.

Available sinks are:

Name Class
Console net.redborder.cep.sinks.console.ConsoleSink
Kafka net.redborder.cep.sinks.kafka.KafkaSink
Syslog net.redborder.cep.sinks.syslog.SyslogSink

Sinks can have properties as well. So far the only sink that requires a property is the KafkaSink:

Property name value
kafka_brokers Comma separated list of Kafka hosts' addresses, specified as :


The parser tells the system the kind of events that are going to arrive from that topic. Currently the only parser implemented is the Json parser, but more parser will be implemented in the future, like a XML parser or a binary parser.

Current parsers:

parser value
Json net.redborder.cep.sources.parsers.JsonParser

You can implement your own parser if you wish. To do so, you only have to implement the Parser interface. It only has one method, which receives an string (which is the raw event from kafka) and returns a map, where the key are strings and the value are objects. Also, you must define a K/V property on the parsers section on config file.

 json: net.redborder.cep.sources.parsers.JsonParser


Siddhi needs to know which attributes are present on each one of your streams to execute your execution plans. The attributes property lets you specify just that: the attributes (or fields) on your events and its types.

The allowed attributes types are the following:

  • string
  • str
  • integer
  • int
  • long
  • float
  • double
  • bool
  • object

As an example, if you want to add a kafka stream called "clicks" as an input and this topic receive events like this one:

{ "clicks": 34, "from": "" }

You will need to declare it in the config file as following:

   - name: kafka
     class: net.redborder.cep.sources.kafka.KafkaSource
       zk_connect: zknode:2181
 json: net.redborder.cep.sources.parsers.JsonParser
    source: kafka
    parser: json
      clicks: integer
      from: string
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