This repo provides a rebar3 template for easier creation of VerneMQ plugins.
To install, simply clone to ~/.config/rebar3/templates
mkdir -p ~/.config/rebar3/templates
git clone ~/.config/rebar3/templates/rebar3_template_vernemq
$ rebar3 new vernemq_plugin name=vmq_coolplugin
$ cd vmq_coolplugin
To see a full description of all the options available, you can run rebar3 new help vernemq_plugin
$ rebar3 new help vernemq_plugin
custom template (~/.config/rebar3/templates/rebar3_template_vernemq/vernemq_plugin.template)
Description: Generates a VerneMQ Plugin
name="my_plugin" (Name of the VerneMQ Plugin)
desc="A VerneMQ plugin" (Short description of the VerneMQ plugin)
license="Apache 2.0" (License to use for this Plugin)
no_mqtt_three=false (Do not make the plugin support MQTT 3.1 hooks)
no_mqtt_five=false (Do not make the plugin support MQTT 5 hooks)
author_name="Dairon Medina Caro"
apps_dir="apps" (Directory where applications will be created if needed)
Copyright (c) 2020 RedClaw Technologies
This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the LICENSE file for more details.