Spring Kafka Json Producer Prototype
This application is just a prototype on how we can post json messages to multiple kafka topics from a single REST end point. However, every change in schema would require a new DTO (Data tansfer object to be created) which acts as a service contract between the client and the producer application.
Note: This is just a prototype and is not yet ready for production. Operations related stuff still has to be in-corported. This can be easily achieved using springs Actuator project and other options provided by spring. If you are going to run this in containers would be good to include a service registry to effectively operate the application.
- JDK 1.8
- Kafka +
- Zookeeper
Clone the repo and run the following to build the project
cd /root/directory
mvn clean install
Make sure you have access to a Kafka cluster. If not please follow the instructions here
Once the build is sucessfull, run the following command to start the application
java -jar target/*.jar
The application should be up and running on port 10000
Note: You can externalize your applications config too. If you would like to make changes to the config please refer to this
Below is a cURL request which would help you post some data
curl -X POST \
http://localhost:10000/message/producer/customer-deposit \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"username": "user1",
"event": "Manchester vs Liverpool",
"stake": 50.00,
"jurisdiction": "UK",
"country": "UK",
"brand": "Bet365",
"product": "Sportsbook",
"channel": "channel",
"currency": "GBP"
This would post a message to customer-depost topic.
Note: If the topic does not exist, kafka would create it for you based on the configuration of your cluster. Its recommonded that you create the topic yourself, so that you can specify the number of partitions and the required replication factor.
Check the Kafka Consumer for reading and persisting messaginf from Kafka