This repository contains the source code for a code server ( container configured for Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.
It also contains the Kubernetes resource files necessary to deploy a code server to an OpenShift cluster.
This repository contains two containers sharing a Persistent Volume Claim for storage:
The Main Container (the VSCode container): this container is configured with
Code Server
OpenJDK 11
Google Chrome (headless, necessary for the browser preview extension)
The Init Container. This container is run only once when the application is started for the first time. It will set up the code server environment. The init container uses the following environment variables:
CODE_WORKSPACE_NAME: The name of the workspace to create for code server (Lower and uppercase letters are allowed, no spaces allowed)
- name: CODE_WORKSPACE_NAME value: MyWorkspace
CODE_PASSWORD: The password for the code server. If no password is specified a 16 character random password is generated and can be retrieved by examining the init container’s log
Example- name: CODE_PASSWORD value: my_super_secret_password
CODE_REPO_LIST: A JSON list of repositories to clone into the environment. For private repositories encode the userid and password in the repository URL.
Example- name: CODE_REPO_LIST: value: '[{"name":"app-mod-projects","url":"","branch":"main"}, {"name":"codeserver","url":"","branch":"main"}]'
CODE_EXTENSIONS_LIST: a JSON list of extensions to be installed in code server. URL should contain the full download path.
Example- name: CODE_EXTENSIONS_LIST value: '[{"filename":"auchenberg.vscode-browser-preview-0.7.2.vsix", "url": ""}]'
To build each container image a
shell script is provided in the respective subdirectory. Adjust the script with your registry URL, log into your registry and simply run the build script. Note that the build script uses podman
but it should also work with docker
The k8s
directory has OpenShift manifests that can be applied to your cluster.
Adjust the variables in the file
to match your desired configuration. -
Adjust the image locations in the file
to match your container registry. -
Create a namespace to run code server in
oc apply -k k8s -n <yournamespace>
to deploy the application