Redis OM Spring + React • Todo-Backend
This project’s commits walk you through the process of using Redis OM Spring to build a RESTful API that satisfies the simple web API spec set by the Todo-Backend project using JSON Documents stored in Redis.
The Todo-Backend project defines a simple web API spec - for managing a todo list. Contributors implement that spec using various tech stacks. A spec runner verifies that each contribution implements the exact same API, by running an automated test suite which defines the API.
The Todo-Backend project was inspired by the TodoMVC project.
This project includes a server-side spec runner todo-backend-js-spec in the js-spec folder.
git clone
You will build an application that uses Redis JSON document and the @Document
annotation to provide a Redis-powered data layer for a Spring Boot API backend that satisfies the contract set out by the Todo-Backend project.
For the UI you will then craft a pure JS webapp following the specifications set by the TodoMVC project and using the React JavaScript library for building user interfaces. The webapp can be found under
the src/main/webapp
and it provides it’s own README.
Java 11 or higher (JDK Java SE 11 or later)
You can also import the code straight into your IDE:
Spring Boot 2.6.6 (included by Redis OM Spring)
A Redis database with the RediSearch module version TODO or higher installed. We’ve provided a
with Redis Stack for this. You can also sign up for a free 30Mb database with Redis Enterprise Cloud - be sure to check the box to configure a Redis Stack instance, follow this guide. -
Optional: RedisInsight, a free data visualization and database management tool for Redis. When downloading RedisInsight, be sure to select version 2.x.
Before you can build the TodoBackend API, you need to set up the Redis Stack instance that will host our data. The server is freely available at
There are many ways to get going with Redis but by far the three easiest are:
Redis OM Spring relies on the power of the [RediSearch][redisearch-url] and [RedisJSON][redis-json-url] modules. We have provided a docker compose YAML file for you to quickly get started. To launch the docker compose application, on the command line (or via Docker Desktop), clone this repository and run (from the root folder):
docker compose up
This launches Redis Stack; Redis Stack Server on port 6379, and Redis Insight 8001.
If you’re using Redis Enterprise Cloud, you’ll need the hostname, port number, and password for your database. Use these to set the
configuration like this:<host>
For example if your Redis Enterprise Cloud database is at port 9139
on host
and your password is 5uper53cret
then you’d set REDIS_OM_URL
as follows:
The app starting skeleton was created using the Spring Initializr.
The main API controller can be found at src/main/java/com/redislabs/edu/todo/controllers/
We provide a Spring MVC controller that serves the HTML template hosting the React App. This controller can be found at src/main/java/com/redislabs/edu/todo/controllers/
public class WebAppController {
public String index() {
return "index";
marks this class as a Spring MVC controller. -
flags theindex()
method to serve GET request on the/
route. -
It returns
as the name of the template, which Spring Boot’s autoconfigured view resolver will map tosrc/main/resources/templates/index.html
Learn more about the React App in its README.
You can now launch the app either by running the main()
method of
inside your IDE or by typing ./mvnw spring-boot:run
on the command line. (mvnw.bat
for Windows users).
The output should show both the webapp (React) being bundled and the server-side (Spring Boot.. duh):
➜ ./mvnw clean spring-boot:run
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] -------< >--------
[INFO] Building Spring Data Redis + React.js Spring Boot Todo MVC Tutorial 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- frontend-maven-plugin:1.11.0:install-node-and-npm (install node and npm) @ tut-spring-data-redis-react-todomvc ---
[INFO] Installing node version v14.15.3
[INFO] Installed node locally.
[INFO] Installing npm version 6.14.10
[INFO] Installed npm locally.
[INFO] --- frontend-maven-plugin:1.11.0:npm (npm install) @ tut-spring-data-redis-react-todomvc ---
[INFO] Running 'npm install' in ...
[INFO] audited 352 packages in 2.236s
[INFO] --- frontend-maven-plugin:1.11.0:webpack (webpack build) @ tut-spring-data-redis-react-todomvc ---
[INFO] Running 'webpack.js ' ...
[INFO] modules by path ./node_modules/ 1.11 MiB 31 modules
[INFO] modules by path ./src/ 18.8 KiB
[INFO] modules by path ./src/components/*.js 7.65 KiB 5 modules
[INFO] ./src/app.js 872 bytes [built] [code generated]
[INFO] ./src/context/todos_context.js 4.05 KiB [built] [code generated]
[INFO] ./src/services/todos_api.js 5.15 KiB [built] [code generated]
[INFO] ./src/hooks/use_on_click_outside.js 1.05 KiB [built] [code generated]
[INFO] modules by path ./scss/*.scss 50 bytes (javascript) 9.33 KiB (css/mini-extract)
[INFO] ./scss/app.scss 50 bytes [built] [code generated]
[INFO] css ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js!./scss/app.scss 9.33 KiB [code generated]
[INFO] webpack 5.11.1 compiled successfully in 3258 ms
[INFO] <<< spring-boot-maven-plugin:2.4.1:run (default-cli) < test-compile @ tut-spring-data-redis-react-todomvc <<<
[INFO] --- spring-boot-maven-plugin:2.4.1:run (default-cli) @ tut-spring-data-redis-react-todomvc ---
[INFO] Attaching agents: []
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' |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
:: Spring Boot :: (v2.4.1)
2021-01-05 12:11:23.560 INFO 88152 --- [ restartedMain] : Starting TodoApplication using Java 11.0.9 on Your Box Baby with PID 88152 ...
2021-01-05 12:11:25.689 INFO 88152 --- [ restartedMain] : Started TodoApplication in 2.717 seconds (JVM running for 3.286)
The Server-Side Endpoint is found at http://localhost:8080/todos
and the
React webapp is mounted at the root at http://localhost:8080
. The Database is
preloaded with a few Beatles related Todos. Enjoy!
We’ve also embedded the server-side spec runner as a git submodule. To launch it, simply open the following HTML file on your browser (Mac open command shown below):
open ./js-spec/index.html
In the input field shown enter http://localhost:8080/todos
and press return. The spec runner will execute the specs, if everything is working correctly you should see the all the server-side specifications passing.
You can interact with the API directly with CURL or through the Swagger interface.
The following guides may also be helpful:
Created by Brian Sam-Bodden @ Redis