Keybase is an Open Source Knowledge Base featuring smart searches and recommendations based on Redis Stack.
- Create and edit documents using a WYSIWYG Markdown editor
- Browse, search, and bookmark Knowledge Base articles
- Get recommendations for similar documents
- Organize and research content using labels and categories
- Password-based and Okta-based authentication integrated
- Role-Based Access Control
- Public portal with custom templates and admin view
In order to install and run the knowledge base, please pay attention to the following instructions.
Keybase is backed by a Redis Stack database. You can set up a Redis Stack Docker image as follows:
docker run -p 6379:6379 redis/redis-stack
Redis Stack Server combines open source Redis with RediSearch, RedisJSON, RedisGraph, RedisTimeSeries, and RedisBloom. Redis Stack also includes RedisInsight, a visualization tool for understanding and optimizing Redis data.
prepare your Python setup, create a virtual environment:
python3 -m venv kvenv
source kvenv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
Then, install the software
git clone
cd keybase
pip install -e .
Now configure the environment and run using gunicorn
export DB_SERVICE="localhost" DB_PORT=6379 DB_PWD="" CFG_AUTHENTICATOR="auth" CFG_THEME="default"
gunicorn --workers 1 --bind --log-level debug --capture-output --error-logfile ./gunicorn.log "wsgi:create_app()"
Connect to a Redis database and create the first administrator:
HSET keybase:auth:admin username admin password 8c6976e5b5410415bde908bd4dee15dfb167a9c873fc4bb8a81f6f2ab448a918 status enabled group admin given_name "Administrator" name "Administrator"
Finally, point your browser to the knowledge base:
You can configure the authentication to use Okta. Just set CFG_AUTHENTICATOR="okta"
, and configure Okta's secret and token in a .env
file under src/common
or via system environment variables.
export OKTA_CALLBACK_URL=http://<YOUR_WEB_DOMAIN>authorization-code/callback
export OKTA_CLIENT_ID=...
export OKTA_API_TOKEN=...
Okta users are cached into the Redis database in Hashes using the prefix:
You can test the Okta integration with a Okta Developer Edition.
Note, additional basic username-password authentication method is in the works
This repository comes with a Dockerfile you can use to generate an image and start it. Use the following commands.
Build image from Dockerfile
docker build -t keybase:v1 .
Start the knowledge base
docker run -d --cap-add sys_resource --env DB_SERVICE=<database_host> --env DB_PORT=<database_port> --env DB_PWD=<default_user_password> --env CFG_AUTHENTICATOR="auth" --env CFG_THEME="default" --name kb -p 5000:8000 keybase:v1
Recommendations of semantically similar documents are proposed, the feature uses Vector Similarity Search. VSS is based on the generation and storage of vector embeddings. Provided vector generation from the content is an intensive activity, the generation must be scheduled offline.
Schedule a periodic execution of the script
using cron
or a similar utility. An execution every minute is sufficient to index new documents or update the index of those documents that received an update.
Using crontab
, the task would look like:
* * * * * export PYTHONPATH=/home/<USER>/keybase/; /home/<USER>/keybasevenv/bin/python3 /home/<USER>/keybase/src/services/ > /home/<USER>/cron.log 2>&1
It is also possible to subscribe to the Redis Stream keybase:events
to capture events published by the knowledge base.
Currently, an event is published when a document is added or updated, so a client application that detects a relevant event, can recalculate the vector embedding and store it.
You can create a consumer group:
XGROUP CREATE keybase:events vss_readers $
And then use your favorite client to read from the stream the newest events with XREADGROUP
and manage the stream as usual, with XACK
XREADGROUP GROUP vss_readers default COUNT 1 STREAMS keybase:events >
1) 1) "keybase:events"
2) 1) 1) "1682327824341-0"
2) 1) "type"
2) "publish"
3) "id"
4) "ih98h98w89"
Flask has a built-in web server, but it is not recommended for production usage. It is recommended to put Flask behind a web server which communicates with Flask using WSGI.
A valid option would be to deploy Keybase together with Nginx as the web server and Gunicorn, which implements the Web Server Gateway Interface. Therefore, it is possible to test Gunicorn as follows.
gunicorn --workers 1 --bind "wsgi:create_app()"
Keybase can run on an arbitrary Redis Server configured with the RediSearch module. For a secure, reliable and data-proof solution, Redis Cloud is recommended.
Keybase implements role-based access control. Three roles are implemented at the moment:
- Viewer: can only view and bookmark documents. When you first authenticate with Okta, you are a viewer. Only the admin can assign roles
- Editor: can create a draft, edit a draft, edit a published document. But you cannot publish a document. When editing a published document, a new review will be created, while locking other editors from creating additional reviews. Only admins can publish reviews
- Admin: can do everything. And in particular, only the admin can publish documents, create new tags and import/export data. The admin can set privileges to other users.
Note: The installation process does not create any super user. The first admin should be set manually in this version by accessing the database, after the first successful Okta authentication:
HSET keybase:okta:<OKTA_USER_ID> group admin
If after installing sentence_transformers
you fail to start the application and get:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sentence_transformers'
Or, you fail to install it and pip install sentence_transformers
fails with "Killed", you may be running out of RAM memory. If that is the case, try to install sentence_transformers
pip install sentence_transformers --no-cache-dir
Keybase is written in Python and uses the following third-party Open Source software: Redis Stack, Toast UI Web Editor, Flask Web framework, JQuery, JQueryUI, Notify.js, Bulma CSS framework and Chart.js.