docs(rtk-query): add headers argument to base query example using axios #3774
Netlify / Pages changed - redux-starter-kit-docs
Oct 3, 2023 in 3m 22s
62 new files uploaded
60 generated pages and 2 assets changed.
Changed pages include:
- index.html - view
- 404.html - view
- search/index.html - view
- tutorials/overview/index.html - view
- rtk-query/comparison/index.html - view
- api/createselector/index.html - view
- introduction/getting-started/index.html - view
- api/actioncreatormiddleware/index.html - view
- api/codemods/index.html - view
- rtk-query/overview/index.html - view
There are more changes not included in the list