This repository contains the source code for the website that provides a facility to calculate neutron and x-ray scattering length densities and store associated material parameters with proper references in a database.
The database can be accessed through a web API programatically. A python package that implements that access is also included here.
License: MIT
- Databse search based on various material characteristics
- Results show selected and ORSO validated materials with unique ID to be referenced in publications
- Calculation of neutron and x-ray optical parameters from database entries and manually provided chemical composition and density
- Magnetic materials
- Conversion of units
- Energy dependence of x-ray with interactive selection
- Table of elements with individual scattering length and form factor values
- Assembly of protein, DNA and RNA molecules from sequence
- Interactive deuteration and hydrogen exchange calculations with D2O match point calculation
- User entry of new materials
- Import of CIF and FASTA file formats
- Open evaluation process for most used materials by ORSO