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Merge pull request #70 from minimapletinytools/minimapletinytools/fix…
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Fix several issues in Zipper.hs
  • Loading branch information
ali-abrar authored Jul 6, 2023
2 parents d8c402a + 5776040 commit 3e04541
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Showing 5 changed files with 169 additions and 126 deletions.
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion
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@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
# Revision history for reflex-vty

## Unreleased

* Fix several issues with wide chars, cursor position and word wrapping in Zipper.hs


* Support ghc-9.6
Expand All @@ -18,7 +22,7 @@
* Mouse drag sequences that start ON the region and drag off ARE reported
* Introduce `MonadHold` constraint to `pane`
* Added `MonadHold` constraint to several methods that use `pane`


* Loosen version bounds and support GHC 9.4
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214 changes: 112 additions & 102 deletions src/Data/Text/Zipper.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,25 +9,21 @@ Description: A zipper for text documents that allows convenient editing and navi
module Data.Text.Zipper where

import Prelude

import Control.Exception (assert)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State (evalState, get, put)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.String
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Monad.State (evalState, get, put)

import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Internal (Text(..), text)
import Data.Text.Internal.Fusion (stream)
import Data.Text.Internal.Fusion.Types (Stream(..), Step(..))
import Data.Text.Internal.Fusion.Types (Step(..), Stream(..))
import Data.Text.Unsafe
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T

import Graphics.Text.Width (wcwidth)

Expand All @@ -44,7 +40,7 @@ data TextZipper = TextZipper
, _textZipper_after :: Text -- The cursor is on top of the first character of this text
, _textZipper_linesAfter :: [Text]
deriving (Show)
deriving (Show, Eq)

instance IsString TextZipper where
fromString = fromText . T.pack
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,7 +190,7 @@ fromText = flip insert empty
-- | A span of text tagged with some metadata that makes up part of a display
-- line.
data Span tag = Span tag Text
deriving (Show)
deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Text alignment type
data TextAlignment =
Expand All @@ -203,13 +199,13 @@ data TextAlignment =
| TextAlignment_Center
deriving (Eq, Show)

-- A map from the index (row) of display line to (fst,snd)
-- | A map from the index (row) of display line to (fst,snd)
-- fst: leading empty spaces from left (may be negative) to adjust for alignment
-- snd: the text offset from the beginning of the document
-- to the first character of the display line
type OffsetMapWithAlignment = Map Int (Int, Int)

-- helper type representing a single visual line that may be part of a wrapped logical line
-- | Helper type representing a single visual line that may be part of a wrapped logical line
data WrappedLine = WrappedLine
{ _wrappedLines_text :: Text
, _wrappedLines_hiddenWhitespace :: Bool -- ^ 'True' if this line ends with a deleted whitespace character
Expand All @@ -218,12 +214,14 @@ data WrappedLine = WrappedLine
deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Information about the document as it is displayed (i.e., post-wrapping)
data DisplayLines tag = DisplayLines
{ _displayLines_spans :: [[Span tag]]
, _displayLines_offsetMap :: OffsetMapWithAlignment
, _displayLines_cursorPos :: (Int, Int) -- cursor position relative to upper left hand corner
data DisplayLines tag = DisplayLines {
_displayLines_spans :: [[Span tag]]
-- ^ NOTE this will contain a dummy space character if the cursor is at the end
, _displayLines_offsetMap :: OffsetMapWithAlignment
-- ^ NOTE this will not include offsets for the y position of dummy ' ' character if it is on its own line
, _displayLines_cursorPos :: (Int, Int) -- ^ cursor position relative to upper left hand corner
deriving (Show)
deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Split a 'Text' at the given column index. For example
Expand All @@ -234,16 +232,29 @@ splitAtWidth :: Int -> Text -> (Text, Text)
splitAtWidth n t@(Text arr off len)
| n <= 0 = (T.empty, t)
| n >= textWidth t = (t, T.empty)
| otherwise = let k = toLogicalIndex n t
| otherwise = let k = characterIndexFromWidth n t
in (text arr off k, text arr (off+k) (len-k))

toLogicalIndex :: Int -> Text -> Int
toLogicalIndex n' t'@(Text _ _ len') = loop 0 0
where loop !i !cnt
| i >= len' || cnt + w > n' = i
| otherwise = loop (i+d) (cnt + w)
where Iter c d = iter t' i
w = charWidth c
-- | Convert a physical width index to a character index. For example, the
-- physical index 3 of the string "ᄀabc" corresponds to the character index 2,
-- because the first character has a width of 2.
characterIndexFromWidth :: Int -> Text -> Int
characterIndexFromWidth n' t'@(Text _ _ len') = loop 0 0 0
:: Int -- Byte index of the 'Text' we're traversing
-> Int -- The accumulated logical index so far
-> Int -- The accumulated physical width
-> Int -- The new logical index
loop !bytes !li !cumw
-- if we've gone past the last byte
| bytes >= len' = li-1
-- if we hit our target
| cumw + w > n' = li
-- advance one character
| otherwise = loop (bytes+byteWidth) (li+1) (cumw + w)
where Iter c byteWidth = iter t' bytes
w = charWidth c

-- | Takes the given number of columns of characters. For example
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -343,7 +354,7 @@ splitWordsAtDisplayWidth maxWidth wwws = reverse $ loop wwws 0 [] where
loop (x:xs) cumw out = r where
newWidth = textWidth x + cumw
r = if newWidth > maxWidth
then if isSpace $ T.index x (toLogicalIndex (maxWidth - cumw) x)
then if isSpace $ T.index x (characterIndexFromWidth (maxWidth - cumw) x)
-- if line runs over but character of splitting is whitespace then split on the whitespace
then let (t1,t2) = splitAtWidth (maxWidth - cumw) x
in loop (T.drop 1 t2:xs) 0 [] <> appendOut out t1 True
Expand All @@ -355,7 +366,19 @@ splitWordsAtDisplayWidth maxWidth wwws = reverse $ loop wwws 0 [] where
else loop (x:xs) 0 [] <> modifyOutForNewLine out
else loop xs newWidth $ appendOut out x False

-- | Calculate the offset that will result in rendered text being aligned left,
-- right, or center
:: TextAlignment
-> Int
-> Text
-> Int
alignmentOffset alignment maxWidth t = case alignment of
TextAlignment_Left -> 0
TextAlignment_Right -> (maxWidth - l)
TextAlignment_Center -> (maxWidth - l) `div` 2
l = textWidth t

-- | Wraps a logical line of text to fit within the given width. The first
-- wrapped line is offset by the number of columns provided. Subsequent wrapped
Expand All @@ -368,25 +391,22 @@ wrapWithOffsetAndAlignment
-> [WrappedLine] -- (words on that line, hidden space char, offset from beginning of line)
wrapWithOffsetAndAlignment _ maxWidth _ _ | maxWidth <= 0 = []
wrapWithOffsetAndAlignment alignment maxWidth n txt = assert (n <= maxWidth) r where
-- we pad by offset amount with any non-space character which we will remove later so that no changes need to be made to splitWordsAtDisplayWidth
r' = splitWordsAtDisplayWidth maxWidth $ wordsWithWhitespace ( T.replicate n "." <> txt)
fmapfn (t,b) = case alignment of
TextAlignment_Left -> WrappedLine t b 0
TextAlignment_Right -> WrappedLine t b (maxWidth-l)
TextAlignment_Center -> WrappedLine t b ((maxWidth-l) `div` 2)
where l = textWidth t
r' = if T.null txt
then [("",False)]
-- I'm not sure why this is working, the "." padding will mess up splitWordsAtDisplayWidth for the next line if a single line exceeds the display width (but it doesn't)
-- it should be `T.replicate n " "` instead (which also works but makes an extra "" Wrappedline somewhere)
else splitWordsAtDisplayWidth maxWidth $ wordsWithWhitespace ( T.replicate n "." <> txt)
fmapfn (t,b) = WrappedLine t b $ alignmentOffset alignment maxWidth t
r'' = case r' of
[] -> []
(x,b):xs -> (T.drop n x,b):xs
r = fmap fmapfn r''

-- converts deleted eol spaces into logical lines
-- | converts deleted eol spaces into logical lines
eolSpacesToLogicalLines :: [[WrappedLine]] -> [[(Text, Int)]]
eolSpacesToLogicalLines = fmap (fmap (\(WrappedLine a _ c) -> (a,c))) . concatMap (L.groupBy (\(WrappedLine _ b _) _ -> not b))

offsetMapWithAlignmentInternal :: [[WrappedLine]] -> OffsetMapWithAlignment
offsetMapWithAlignmentInternal = offsetMapWithAlignment . eolSpacesToLogicalLines
eolSpacesToLogicalLines = fmap (fmap (\(WrappedLine a _ c) -> (a,c))) . ((L.groupBy (\(WrappedLine _ b _) _ -> not b)) =<<)

-- | Convert logical lines to a map of displayed rows of aligned text
:: [[(Text, Int)]] -- ^ The outer list represents logical lines, inner list represents wrapped lines
-> OffsetMapWithAlignment
Expand All @@ -403,6 +423,9 @@ offsetMapWithAlignment ts = evalState (offsetMap' ts) (0, 0)
-- add additional offset to last line in wrapped lines (for newline char)
return $ Map.adjust (\(align,_)->(align,o+1)) dl $ Map.unions maps

-- | Convert logical lines to a map of displayed rows of aligned text
offsetMapWithAlignmentInternal :: [[WrappedLine]] -> OffsetMapWithAlignment
offsetMapWithAlignmentInternal = offsetMapWithAlignment . eolSpacesToLogicalLines

-- | Given a width and a 'TextZipper', produce a list of display lines
-- (i.e., lines of wrapped text) with special attributes applied to
Expand All @@ -417,7 +440,8 @@ displayLinesWithAlignment
-> TextZipper -- ^ The text input contents and cursor state
-> DisplayLines tag
displayLinesWithAlignment alignment width tag cursorTag (TextZipper lb b a la) =
let linesBefore :: [[WrappedLine]] -- The wrapped lines before the cursor line
linesBefore :: [[WrappedLine]] -- The wrapped lines before the cursor line
linesBefore = map (wrapWithOffsetAndAlignment alignment width 0) $ reverse lb
linesAfter :: [[WrappedLine]] -- The wrapped lines after the cursor line
linesAfter = map (wrapWithOffsetAndAlignment alignment width 0) la
Expand All @@ -437,75 +461,61 @@ displayLinesWithAlignment alignment width tag cursorTag (TextZipper lb b a la) =
-- * spans that are on earlier display lines (though on the same logical line), and
-- * spans that are on the same display line

(spansCurrentBefore, spansCurLineBefore) = fromMaybe ([], []) $
initLast $ map ((:[]) . Span tag) $ _wrappedLines_text <$> (wrapWithOffsetAndAlignment alignment width 0 b)
-- Calculate the number of columns on the cursor's display line before the cursor
curLineOffset = spansWidth spansCurLineBefore
-- Check whether the spans on the current display line are long enough that
-- the cursor has to go to the next line
cursorAfterEOL = curLineOffset == width
cursorCharWidth = case T.uncons a of
Nothing -> 1
Just (c, _) -> charWidth c

-- Separate the span after the cursor into
-- * spans that are on the same display line, and
-- * spans that are on later display lines (though on the same logical line)

(spansCurLineAfter, spansCurrentAfter) = fromMaybe ([], []) $
headTail $ case T.uncons a of
Nothing -> [[Span cursorTag " "]]
Just (c, rest) ->
let o = if cursorAfterEOL then cursorCharWidth else curLineOffset + cursorCharWidth
cursor = Span cursorTag (T.singleton c)
in case map ((:[]) . Span tag) $ _wrappedLines_text <$> (wrapWithOffsetAndAlignment alignment width o rest) of
[] -> [[cursor]]
(l:ls) -> (cursor : l) : ls

curLineSpanNormalCase = if cursorAfterEOL
then [ spansCurLineBefore, spansCurLineAfter ]
else [ spansCurLineBefore <> spansCurLineAfter ]

-- for right alignment, we want draw the cursor tag to be on the character just before the logical cursor position
curLineSpan = if alignment == TextAlignment_Right && not cursorAfterEOL
then case reverse spansCurLineBefore of
[] -> curLineSpanNormalCase
(Span _ x):xs -> case spansCurLineAfter of
[] -> error "should not be possible" -- curLineSpanNormalCase
(Span _ y):ys -> [reverse (Span cursorTag x:xs) <> ((Span tag y):ys)]
else curLineSpanNormalCase

cursorY = sum
[ length spansBefore
, length spansCurrentBefore
, if cursorAfterEOL then 1 else 0
-- a little silly to convert back to text but whatever, it works
cursorX = if cursorAfterEOL then 0 else textWidth (mconcat $ fmap (\(Span _ t) -> t) spansCurLineBefore)
-- do the current line
curlinetext = b <> a
curwrappedlines = (wrapWithOffsetAndAlignment alignment width 0 curlinetext)
blength = T.length b

-- map to spans and highlight the cursor
-- accumulator type (accumulated text length, Either (current y position) (cursor y and x position))
--mapaccumlfn :: (Int, Either Int (Int, Int)) -> WrappedLine -> ((Int, Either Int (Int, Int)), [Span tag])
mapaccumlfn (acclength, ecpos') (WrappedLine t dwseol xoff) = r where
tlength = T.length t
-- how many words we've gone through
nextacclength = acclength + tlength + if dwseol then 1 else 0
nextacc = (nextacclength, nextecpos)
cursoroncurspan = nextacclength >= blength && (blength >= acclength)
charsbeforecursor = blength-acclength
ctlength = textWidth $ T.take charsbeforecursor t
cursorx = xoff + ctlength
nextecpos = case ecpos' of
Left y -> if cursoroncurspan
then if ctlength == width
-- cursor wraps to next line case
then Right (y+1, 0)
else Right (y, cursorx)
else Left (y+1)
Right x -> Right x

beforecursor = T.take charsbeforecursor t
cursortext = T.take 1 $ T.drop charsbeforecursor t
aftercursor = T.drop (charsbeforecursor+1) t

cursorspans = [Span tag beforecursor, Span cursorTag cursortext] <> if T.null aftercursor then [] else [Span tag aftercursor]

r = if cursoroncurspan
then (nextacc, cursorspans)
else (nextacc, [Span tag t])
((_, ecpos), curlinespans) = if T.null curlinetext
-- manually handle empty case because mapaccumlfn doesn't handle it
then ((0, Right (0, alignmentOffset alignment width "")), [[Span tag ""]])
else L.mapAccumL mapaccumlfn (0, Left 0) curwrappedlines

(cursorY', cursorX) = case ecpos of
Right (y,x) -> (y,x)
-- if we never hit the cursor position, this means it's at the beginning of the next line
Left y -> (y+1, alignmentOffset alignment width "")
cursorY = cursorY' + length spansBefore

in DisplayLines
{ _displayLines_spans = concat
[ spansBefore
, spansCurrentBefore
, curLineSpan
, spansCurrentAfter
, curlinespans
, spansAfter
, _displayLines_offsetMap = offsets
, _displayLines_cursorPos = (cursorX, cursorY)
initLast :: [a] -> Maybe ([a], a)
initLast = \case
[] -> Nothing
(x:xs) -> case initLast xs of
Nothing -> Just ([], x)
Just (ys, y) -> Just (x:ys, y)
headTail :: [a] -> Maybe (a, [a])
headTail = \case
[] -> Nothing
x:xs -> Just (x, xs)

-- | Move the cursor of the given 'TextZipper' to the logical position indicated
-- by the given display line coordinates, using the provided 'DisplayLinesWithAlignment'
Expand Down
21 changes: 15 additions & 6 deletions src/Reflex/Vty/Widget.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ inputInFocusedRegion = do
return $ case e of
V.EvKey _ _ | not focused -> Nothing
V.EvMouseDown x y btn m ->
if tracking == Tracking btn || (tracking == WaitingForInput && isWithin reg' x y)
if tracking == Tracking btn || (tracking == WaitingForInput && withinRegion reg' x y)
then Just (Tracking btn, Just $ V.EvMouseDown (x - l) (y - t) btn m)
else Just (NotTracking, Nothing)
V.EvMouseUp x y mbtn -> case mbtn of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -268,11 +268,20 @@ nilRegion = Region 0 0 0 0
regionSize :: Region -> (Int, Int)
regionSize (Region _ _ w h) = (w, h)

isWithin :: Region -> Int -> Int -> Bool
isWithin (Region l t w h) x y = not . or $ [ x < l
, y < t
, x >= l + w
, y >= t + h ]
-- | Check whether the x,y coordinates are within the specified region
:: Region
-> Int
-- ^ x-coordinate
-> Int
-- ^ y-coordinate
-> Bool
withinRegion (Region l t w h) x y = not . or $
[ x < l
, y < t
, x >= l + w
, y >= t + h

-- | Produces an 'Image' that fills a region with space characters
regionBlankImage :: V.Attr -> Region -> Image
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/Reflex/Vty/Widget/Layout.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ module Reflex.Vty.Widget.Layout where
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import Control.Monad.Morph
import Control.Monad.NodeId (MonadNodeId(..), NodeId)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.List (mapAccumL)
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