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A versatile compressor of third generation sequencing reads.


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CoLoRd - Compressing long reads

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A versatile compressor of third generation sequencing reads.

Quick start

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd colord && make
cd bin


# default compression presets (lossy quality, memory priority)
./colord compress-ont ${INPUT}/M.bovis.fastq ont.default 		# Oxford Nanopore
./colord compress-pbhifi ${INPUT}/D.melanogaster.fastq hifi.default	# PacBio HiFi 
./colord compress-pbraw ${INPUT}/A.thaliana.fastq clr.default 		# PacBio CLR/subreads

# print ONT archive information and decompress
./colord info ont.default
./colord decompress ont.default ont.fastq

# compress HiFi reads preserving original quality levels
./colord compress-pbhifi -q org ${INPUT}/D.melanogaster.fastq hifi.lossless

# compress CLR reads with ratio priority using 48 threads
./colord compress-pbraw -p ratio -t 48 ${INPUT}/A.thaliana.fastq clr.ratio

# compress ONT reads w.r.t. reference genome (embed the reference in the archive)
./colord compress-ont -G ${INPUT}/M.bovis-reference.fna -s ${INPUT}/M.bovis.fastq ont.refbased

# decompress the reference-based archive
./colord decompress ont.refbased ont.refbased.fastq

Installation and configuration

CoLoRd comes with a set of precompiled binaries for Windows, Linux, and OS X. They can be found under Releases tab. The software is also available on Bioconda:

conda install -c bioconda colord

For detailed instructions how to set up Bioconda, please refer to the Bioconda manual. CoLoRd can be also built from the sources distributed as:

  • Visual Studio 2019 solution for Windows,
  • MAKE project (G++ 8.4 required) for Linux and macOS.

To install G++ under under macOS, one can use Homebrew package manager:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install gcc@10

Before running CoLoRd on macOS, the current limit of file descriptors should be increased:

ulimit -n 2048



colord <mode> [options] <input> <archive>


  • compress-ont - compress Oxford Nanopore reads,
  • compress-pbhifi - compress PacBio HiFi reads,
  • compress-pbraw - compress PacBio CLR/subreads.


  • input - input FASTQ/FASTA path (gzipped or not),
  • output - archive path.


  • -h, --help - print help
  • -k, --kmer-len - k-mer length, (15-28, default: auto adjust)
  • -t, --threads - number of threads (default: 12)
  • -p, --priority - compression priority: memory, balanced, ratio (default: memory)
  • -q, --qual - quality compression mode:
    • org - original,
    • none - discard (Q0 for all bases),
    • avg - average over entire file,
    • 2-fix,4-fix,5-fix - 2/4/5 bins with fixed representatives,
    • 2-avg,4-avg,5-avg - 2/4/5 bins with averages as representatives; default value depends on the mode (4-avg for ont, 5-avg for pbhifi, none for pbraw),
  • -T, --qual-thresholds - quality thresholds:
    • single value for 2-fix/2-avg (default: 7),
    • three values for 4-fix/4-avg (default: 7 14 26),
    • four values for 4-fix/4-avg (default: 7 14 26 93),
    • not allowed for avg, org and none modes,
  • -D, --qual-values - bin representatives for decompression,
    • single value for none mode (default: 0),
    • two values for 2-fix mode (default: 1 13),
    • four values for 4-fix mode (default: 3 10 18 35),
    • five values for 5-fix mode (default: 3 10 18 35 93),
    • not allowed for avg, org, 2-avg, 4-avg and 5-avg modes,
  • -G, --reference-genome - optional reference genome path (multi-FASTA gzipped or not), it enables reference-based mode which provides better compression ratios,
  • -s, --store-reference - stores the reference genome in the archive, use only with -G flag,
  • -v, --verbose - verbose mode.

Advanced options (default values may depend on the mode - please run colord --help <mode> to get the details):

  • -a, --anchor-len - anchor len (default: auto adjust),
  • -L, --Lowest-count - minimal k-mer count,
  • -H, --Highest-count - maximal k-mer count,
  • -f, --filter-modulo - k-mers for which hash(k-mer) mod f != 0 will be filtered out before graph building,
  • -c, --max-candidates - maximal number of reference reads considered as reference,
  • -e, --edit-script-mult - multipier for predicted cost of storing read part as edit script,
  • -r, --max-recurence-level - maximal level of recurence when considering alternative reference reads,
  • --min-to-alt - minimum length of encoding part to consider using alternative read,
  • --min-mmer-frac - if A is set of m-mers in encode read R then read is refused from encoding if |A| < min-mmer-frac * len(R),
  • --min-mmer-force-enc - if A is set of m-mers in encode read R then read is accepted to encoding always if |A| > min-mmer-force-enc * len(R),
  • --max-matches-mult - if the number of matches between encode read R and reference read is r, then read is refused from encoding if r > max-matches-mult * len(R),
  • --fill-factor-filtered-kmers - fill factor of filtered k-mers hash table,
  • --fill-factor-kmers-to-reads - fill factor of k-mers to reads hash table,
  • --min-anchors - if number of anchors common to encode read and reference candidate is lower than minAnchors candidate is refused,
  • -i, --identifier header compression mode - main/none/org (default: org),
  • -R, --Ref-reads-mode - reference reads mode: all/sparse (default: sparse),
  • -g, --sparse-range - sparse mode range. The propability of reference read acceptance is 1 / pow(id/range_reads, exponent), where range_reads is determined based on the number of symbols, which in turn is determined by the number of trusted unique k-mers (estimated genome length) multiplied by the value of this parameter,
  • -x, --sparse-exponent - sparse mode exponent.


While the number of CoLoRd parameters is large, in most cases the default values will work just fine. In terms of compression, there is always a trade off between compression ratio and resource requirements (mainly memory and compute time). If the default behavior of CoLoRd is insufficient, the first attempt should be the change of compression priority mode (-p parameter). The compression priority modes aggregate multiple other parameters influencing compression ratio. There are the following priority modes (ordered increasingly w.r.t. the compression efficiency and resource requirements):

  • memory
  • balanced
  • ratio

The memory priority mode is the default.

Quality scores have a high impact on the compression. They are hard to compress due to their nature and, at the same time (as presented in the paper) their resolution can be safely reduced without affecting downstream analyses. For this reason, in each priority mode, the quality scores are compressed lossy. If it is required to keep the original quality scores, one should use -q org. Note, that there exist several other quality compression modes (see the paper).

Here are compression results for a large set of human reads NA12878 with a total size of 268,305,314,354 bytes.

Lossy Lossless
Compressed in memory mode size [B] 42,120,596,486 105,807,350,384
Compressed in balanced mode size [B] 39,833,878,505 103,367,993,362
Compressed in ratio mode size [B] 38,832,714,102 101,305,368,675
Time in memory mode [h:mm:ss] 1:12:42 1:26:02
Time in balanced mode [h:mm:ss] 1:33:18 2:11:21
Time in ratio mode [h:mm:ss] 3:18:46 4:57:09
Memory in memory mode [KB] 13,715,168 14,341,128
Memory in balanced mode [KB] 26,728,108 27,293,824
Memory in ratio mode [KB] 97,922,208 99,133,548

If one wants to check how much CoLoRd can squeeze the input data regardless of the resource requirements, the ratio mode should be used. If more control over execution is in demand, the remaining parameters may be configured. The simplest way to settle the direction without the need to understand the meaning of parameters is to display the defaults for a given compression priority mode with --help switch. For example, let's say you want to find out if you should increase or decrease the -f parameter to improve the compression ratio while compressing ONT data. You may run CoLoRd twice with the following parameters:

./colord compress-ont --help -p balanced
./colord compress-ont --help -p ratio

You will notice the default for -f is higher for balanced mode, which means lowering it will increase the compression ratio. The same approach may be applied for other parameters (-L, -H, -c, -r, --min-to-alt, etc.).

In the ratio priority mode all the input reads may serve as a reference to encode other reads. This will increase RAM usage, especially for large datasets. In the remaining modes, only part of the reads may serve as a reference. If needed -g and -x may be used.

The values for -k and -a parameters are auto-adjusted based on the size of the data to be compressed. The general rule is, the larger the input size is, the values of these parameters should be higher.


colord decompress [options] <archive> <output>


  • input - archive path,
  • output - output file path.


  • -h, --help - print help,
  • -G, --reference-genome - optional reference genome path (multi-FASTA gzipped or not), required for reference-based archives with no reference genome embedded (-G compression without -s switch),
  • -v, --verbose - verbose mode.

Archive information

colord info <archive>


CoLoRd comes with a C++ API allowing straightforward access to the existing archive. Below one can find an example of using API in the code.

#include "colord_api.h"
#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
	try {
		colord::DecompressionStream stream("archive.colord");	// load a CoLoRd archive
		auto info = stream.GetInfo();				// get and print archive information
		std::cerr << "Archive info:\n\n";			//
		info.ToOstream(std::cerr);				//	

     		// iterate over records in the archive
		while (auto x = stream.NextRecord()) {
			if (info.isFastq) {
				std::cout << "@" << x.ReadHeader() << "\n";
				std::cout << x.Read() << "\n";
				std::cout << "+" << x.QualHeader() << "\n";
				std::cout << x.Qual() << "\n";
			} else {
				std::cout << ">" << x.ReadHeader() << "\n";
				std::cout << x.Read() << "\n";
	catch (const std::exception& ex) {
		std::cerr << "Error: " << ex.what() << "\n";
		return -1;
	return 0;

Compiling own code utilizing colord API

To use an API one needs to include colord_api.h header file and link against libcolord_api.a. libcolord_api.a uses std::threads and zlib, so -lpthreads and -lz flags are needed for linking. For example, to compile and link the code above one could use the following command:

g++ -O3 $SRC_FILE -I$INCLUDE_DIR $LIB_DIR/libcolord_api.a -lz -lpthread -o example -no-pie


  • SRC_FILE is a path to a source code
  • INCLUDE_DIR is a path of the directory where colord_api.h file is (when one compiles colord from sources there is include directory created at the same location where Makefile is)
  • LIB_DIR is a path of the directory where libcolord_api.a file is (when one compiles colord from sources there is bin directory created at the same location where Makefile is, it contains (among others) libcolord_api.a)


Kokot, M., Gudyś, A., Li, H. and Deorowicz, S. (2022) CoLoRd: Compressing long reads. Nature Methods,