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Desktop Tic-Tac-Toe using React and Electron

React/Election/Tic-Tac-Toe in 4 hours of healthy time.

How to Run

Download the Repo with git

git clone

Navigate to the downloaded repo

cd ReactTicToe

Install the Progam wtih 'npm'

npm install

Build the Program

npm run-script build

Start the prorgam

npm run-script start

Enjoy the Program

Note: Must refresh screen in order for 'Past Winners' section to update.

Wishes For project

  • Added player profiles and saved whole games per player to feed into a Machine Learning Algo to help train the AI on how best to defeat a particular player.

  • Added something new to tic-tac-toe gameplay (on last space, the first 3 spaces played become available to prevent tie)

  • Come up with better graphic design