There may be a SMP's bug on installation. See wiki.
REQUIRES SMP 1.6.1 (mod version attached has some improvements by marc23)
See full changelog here.
4.6.0 - 2024-10-09
- Pools: expanded 'Top tracks' and 'From current track' presets. Restore defaults at pools submenu to show them.
- Pools: 'Top tracks' folder is now split into 'Top tracks (rating)' and 'Top tracks (playcount)'.
- Pools: expanded 'Genre mixes' presets. Restore defaults at pools submenu to show them.
- UI: preset entries on pools submenu are now split into multiple columns if there are more than 10 elements.
- UI: preset entries can now be cloned or updated with current settings in most buttons and menus.
- JSplitter (SMP) support and ES2021 compatibility.
- Helpers: in case saving a file throws an error due to long paths (+255 chars) a warning popup will be shown.
- Helpers: updated helpers.