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Environment Setup


# clone the repo
$ git clone
$ git clone

# cd to cloned repo
$ cd /path/to/cloned/repo

# install dependencies
$ npm install # Or yarn install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
$ npm run dev

# build for production
$ npm run build

The doc site is built using VuePress and is available for viewing on the next branch here


Most doc site content is authored in markdown inside of the /docs directory. Image assets can be put in a directory inside /docs/.vuepress/public and those assets can then be referenced inside of the markdown pages using the $withBase utility function: <cdr-img :src="$withBase('/name_of_directory_inside_public/asset_file_name.png')"/>. Changes to the doc site page layout or styling can be made inside /docs/.vuepress/theme Re-usable doc site components can be defined in /docs/.vuepress/components. These components can then be referenced inside of the markdown documents Templates for new component or release note pages can be found in /templates.

Deploying Doc Site Updates

Merges to the next branch will automatically be deployed to the staging site (See "Cedar Development Overview" in confluence for more information). Merges to the master branch will automatically be deployed to the public doc site.

Codesandbox Examples

This project will automatically generate links for any examples that are passed into cdr-doc-example-code-pair as long as you configure them properly. To do this, add a sandboxData object to that file's frontmatter (note that most examples will only need a list of components set to work properly):

"sandboxData": {
  "components": "CdrAccordion, CdrAccordionItem", // String, the names of the components being used directly in the example
  "styleTag": ".no-box:checked ~ .no-box__content {color: green;}", // String, allows you to pass custom CSS styles into the codesandbox

And pass it into each code example pair on that page: <cdr-doc-example-code-pair :sandbox-data="$page.frontmatter.sandboxData">

If your examples make use of CdrIcon, you can pass :load-sprite="true" in order to have the sandbox load the all-icons.svg file from @rei/cedar-icons.

If your examples depend on a model being available to the component, you can pass that directly into the object: <cdr-doc-example-code-pair :sandbox-data="$page.frontmatter.sandboxData" :model="{foo: true}">

Function objects can be added to the methods and computed properties of the component as well. Note that window functions will not be available within these functions (i.e, setTimeout, console.log, alert): <cdr-doc-example-code-pair :sandbox-data="$page.frontmatter.sandboxData" :model="{foo: true}" :computed="{foo() {return ? 'bar' : 'baz';}}" :methods="{blah() { = false;}}">

If you need to override the properties of the frontmatter object for a single example, you can do that with an inline Object.assign: <cdr-doc-example-code-pair :sandbox-data="Object.assign({}, $page.frontmatter.sandboxData, {styleTag: '.no-box:checked ~ .no-box__content {color: green;}'})">

See the buildSandbox.js utility file for more information on how code examples are translated into a Codesandbox.