- Learn rust
- Evaluate rust teloxide crate to write a telegram bot
- Examples here
- Teloxide uses dptree - its own implementation of the chain (tree) of responsibility pattern. This makes writing handlers very easy, but it has some pitfalls.
- Create an elaborate example project
- Allow to differentiate users (registered users, privileged users aka admins)
- Production ready (when using telegram bot with webhook)
- Features:
- User dialogues, remember state of dialogue
- User registration (identify and recognize known users)
- Differentiate known users into privileged and unprivileged users
- Help command
Basic commands: /help — Display this text /start — Register with this bot /cancel — Cancel a dialogue User commands: /purchase — Purchase product /search — Search for aliases Admin commands: /broadcast — Send a message to all registered users.
Example handlers:
- Add user subcommand
cargo run -- admin
. admin - Start bot in dev mode:
cargo run -- dev
- Add user subcommand
SQLite database to store users
Logging to file and log rotation, see logging configuration
- Telegram Bot API Documentation
- Documentation on Creating a Bot
- Create a telegram bot:
- By talking to Bot father @BotFather
- Store bot token as environment variable
in file.env
. - Store bot name as environment variable
in file.env
The diesel cli, by default, requires openssl, libpq, sqlite, and mysql.
sudo apt install -y libmariadbclient-dev libsqlite3-dev libpq-dev
# libmysqlclient-dev # <-- alternative to mariadb
Once these dependencies are installed, you can run cargo install diesel_cli.
cargo install diesel_cli
The bot is configured with environment variables.
They are stored in a file called .env
For testing purposes it makes sense to work without the hazzle of setting up a proper deployment of the bot.
For production, use the webhook configuration! Otherwise, the configured health checks make no sense.
# cat .env
- Create a user with name and a start token, user_role may be either user or admin.
cargo run -- admin add <username> <user|admin>
cargo run -- admin add username admin
You may use the start token to register your telegram account with the bot.
Just visit the bots telegram address. The url should be printed when creating the user:
E.g.: https://t.me/myfantasticbot?start=PPWjtCr1AQ7dHc1wWB5xTS9GsHTr0nSZ
Or find the bot via the search: @myfantasticbot
Send your start token manually: /start PPWjtCr1AQ7dHc1wWB5xTS9GsHTr0nSZ
- Then run bot in development mode
cargo run -- dev
There is no TLS configuration within the bot,
it expects TLS termination from a load balancer or webserver that passes plain http to the bot.
TLS is mandatory by telegram and the bot won't work without a public https
# .env
With the given configuration the bot will register the webhook at https://mybot.example.com/bot
The actual bot address is under the path /bot
because there is another path /healthcheck
added for health checking purposes:
https://mybot.example.com/healthcheck, see dispatch.rs
for details.
- Then run
cargo run -- bot
The bot expects to run with the process id that owns the data and log directory.
It is assumed these directories are exclusively used by the bot.
Automatic log rotation is performed on a daily basis.
See logging/tracing configuration in src/bot/core/util.rs
for details.
Use this method to get current webhook status. Requires no parameters. On success, returns a WebhookInfo object. If the bot is using getUpdates, will return an object with the url field empty.
https://core.telegram.org/api/links https://t.me/mybot?start=secret https://t.me/<TELOXIDE_BOT_NAME>?start=secret
Cargo plugin for linting your dependencies:
cargo deny check --config .ci/cargo-deny-config.toml