Procedure for creating Pure SDG-keyword import file from SciVal-export of selected publications
step 1: make SciVal export: to create a csv-export from SciVal containing EID, DOI and SDG-label
step 2: rename Scival csv-file to 'scival_export.csv' and place it in the same folder as the python script
step 3: run python script: The script will check via the Pure-API if the EID is listed in Pure and - if so - will add the Pure-ID + SDG-uri to the import file for Pure
step 4: open the generated import2pure.csv and split the values to columns - copy the data to the dedicated import file:
step 5: import the Excel file via Administrator > Jobs > Bulk-change keywords on content
settings: content type = ResearchOutput / logical name = sustainabledevelopmentgoals
step 1: make a selection of (UUIDs of) Pure-records with abstract and without SDG-labels and created date after last batch update of SDG-labels
step 2: run script to get 99%+ aurora AI sdg-labels (output = import file for Pure)