Parse the go file by libraries like go/ast
, then generate the other file that related to this go file by your custom template.
It can be used now, but still in progress. All API may be changed.
Write you web api as a function. Pass all param directly.
package models
type Order struct {
Id int
Title string
Price float64
func FindOrderById(userid, orderid int) (*Order, error) {
// ...
return &Order{}, nil
func CreateOrder(userid int, title string, price float64) (*Order, error) {
// ...
return &Order{}, nil
Add you custom route template.
// generate by jia
package routes
import (
{{ range $_, $f := .ValidFuncs }}
{{if not $f.ParsedDoc.api_ignore }}
func {{ $f.Name }}(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
p := NewRequestValue(r)
{{ range $_, $p := $f.Params -}}
{{- if $p.IsBasic -}}
{{ $p.Name }} := param.{{firstToUpper $p.TypeName }}(p, "{{ $p.Name}}")
{{- else -}}
{{ $p.Name }} := &{{ $.Package }}.{{base $p.TypeName}}{}
param.Object(p, {{ $p.Name }})
{{- end }}
{{ end }}
v, err:= {{$.Package}}.{{$f.Name}}({{pluckStrings $f.Params "Name" | join ","}})
Respond(w, r, v, err)
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
run go generate order.go
, then http handler is ok.
// generate by jia
package routes
import (
func FindOrderById(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
p := NewRequestValue(r)
userid := param.Int(p, "userid")
orderid := param.Int(p, "orderid")
v, err := models.FindOrderById(userid, orderid)
Respond(w, r, v, err)
func CreateOrder(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
p := NewRequestValue(r)
userid := param.Int(p, "userid")
title := param.String(p, "title")
price := param.Float64(p, "price")
v, err := models.CreateOrder(userid, title, price)
Respond(w, r, v, err)
Of course, you can write some other template and generate the file you need.