A simple library to handle sending/receiving messages using hardware/software Serial on Arduino
1.Download BTM.zip file
2.In Arduino IDE go to Sketch>Include library>Add .ZIP Library
3.Locate BTM.zip and click on it
-Just write at the begining of your code:
#include <BTM.h>
-Create BTM for each serial you will use:
//BTM constructor, Param: the serial youre using
BTM btm(&Serial)
-The format for the messages is ?id=i&xy&xy; i for id, x for start symbols and, y for data (to change the const characters check and modify BTM.h)
-The symbols/data can be in any length
-You can use any number of data
-Create Message for each collection of data youre sending/receiving(this class takes only vectors):
//Message constructor, Params: a Vector for start Symbols in your message, A vector for your data
byte message = btm.createMessage(&startSymbols1, &data);
-The max number for messages is 10(you might change it(MAX_SIZE) in BTM.h)
-The IDs of the messages depends on the order of messages creation(first messge created: 0, second: 1 third: 2...and so on)
-Start symbols can be shared across messages(they are read-only vectors)
-Data arrays have to be unique for each message
-all data are string you can convert them to any type using(.toInt()/.toFloat()/...)
-You can check a simple example for receiving coordinates(x,y) and sending their signs in simpleExample.ino file, and another one for receiveing two different messages in twoMessagesExample.ino file.
Method | Params | Return | Description |
createMessage | start symbols (Vector<String>), data (Vector<String>) | message's id (byte) | dont use message constructor, use this instead |
receiveMessage | none | message's id (byte) | return the message's id if it recieve a full correct message using the start symbols given in the message or -1 otherwise |
sendMessage | message's id (byte) | void | send the data in the correct format using the start symbols/data given in the message |
Hope this simple library help you :)
Made by: @rem2718
For any suggestions/comments/questions email me at: rem.e2.718@gmail.com