instagram_simple_post is a simple function to create any type of post with Instagram Graph API
You can post photo, video, and carousel album, with only one method
Complete the with your Instagram Access Token, Instagram user ID and filestack API KEY
You need to setup your Instagram Graph API access, tutorial here
You also need a free access to the Filestack API
import instagram_simple_post
instagram_simple_post.publish_image('<PATH_TO_IMAGE>', 'Description of my post')
Requirements : You need to uncomment the last line of
//Import child process module.
const {spawn} = require('child_process');
//Import PythonShell module.
const {PythonShell} =require('python-shell');
async function postInstagram(listeFichiers, desc){
let options = {
mode: 'text',
pythonOptions: ['-u'], // get print results in real-time
args: [listeFichiers, desc] //An argument which can be accessed in the script using sys.argv[1]
// Lancement du code Python
logs = await new Promise(resolve => {'python/', options, function (err, result){
//if (err) throw err;
// result is an array consisting of messages collected during execution of script.
return resolve(result);
}).catch(err => console.log(err));
// Print python program logs
postInstagram('<PATH_TO_IMAGE>', 'Description of my post');
If you don't want to use Filestack storage function, you need to edit to delete code block where the filestack upload append, detect if the media is image or video, and give direct media URLs in parameter