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Improve test code coverage #571

remkop opened this issue Dec 19, 2018 · 0 comments

Improve test code coverage #571

remkop opened this issue Dec 19, 2018 · 0 comments


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remkop commented Dec 19, 2018


  • isUsageHelpRequested (before parsing anything vs after parsing something)
  • isVersionHelpRequested (before parsing anything vs after parsing something)
  • getEndOfOptionsDelimiter (subcommands)
  • setEndOfOptionsDelimiter (subcommands)
  • getUnmatchedArguments (before parsing anything vs after parsing something)
  • getParseResult (before parsing anything vs after parsing something)
  • AbstractHandler.returnResultOrExit (when hasExitCode() == true)
  • printHelpIfRequested(List, PrintStream, Ansi)
  • printHelpIfRequested(ParseResult)
  • printHelpIfRequested(List, PrintStream, PrintStream, ColorScheme), where CommandSpec.helpCommand() == true but does not implement IHelpCommandInitializable
  • execute, where Runnable throws ExecutionException
  • execute, where Callable throws ExecutionException
  • execute, where Callable throws ParameterException
  • execute, where command method is static
  • execute, where command method is not a subcommand and is in class that only has non-default constructors
  • execute, where invoking the command method throws ExecutionException
  • execute, where invoking the command method throws other Exception
  • execute, where preparing to invoke the command method throws other Exception (private constructor, constructor throws exception?)
  • RunAll.self() (why are RunFirst.self() and RunLast.self() tested but RunAll.self() is not?)
  • parseWithHandlers(IParseResultHandler2, IExceptionHandler2, String...) when ExecutionException is thrown by IParseResultHandler2
  • private StringBuilder usage(StringBuilder, Help) where renderer != null
  • static call(Callable, PrintStream, PrintStream, Ansi, String...) where results == null
  • static call(Class, IFactory, PrintStream, PrintStream, Ansi, String...) where results == null
  • static invoke(String, Class, PrintStream, Ansi, String...)
  • static invoke(String, Class, PrintStream, PrintStream, Ansi, String...) where candidates size != 1
  • NoCompletionCandidates.iterator() - should throw UnsupportedOperationEx
  • NoDefaultProvider.defaultValue()
  • constructor Range(int, int, boolean, boolean, String) - where min < 0, max < 0
  • Range.optionArity - where member.isAnnotationPresent(Option) == false
  • Range.parameterArity - where member.isMethodParameter() == false
  • Range.parameterIndex(Field)
  • Range.defaultArity(Field)
  • Range.defaultArity(Class)
  • Range.parameterArity(Range, Range) - where arity.isVariable == true and arity.isVariable == false
  • Range.max(int)
  • Range.equals - where object is not a Range, where field values differ/same
  • CommandSpec.parser(ParserSpec)
  • CommandSpec.usageMessage(UsageMessageSpec)
  • CommandSpec.addSubcommand - where previous != null && previous != subcommandLine, or different subcommand has same alias
  • CommandSpec.initResourceBundle - where current resourceBundle != null
  • CommandSpec.addMethodSubcommands()
  • CommandSpec.addMethodSubcommands(IFactory) - where userObject instance of Method
  • CommandSpec.addOption - where existing == null || existing.equals(option) - add same option twice : no DuplicateOptionException
  • CommandSpec.aliases - where aliases == null
  • CommandSpec.mixinStandardHelpOptions - where name.length==2 && !name.startsWith("-") //?
  • CommandSpec.initHelpCommand - if !initializable
  • CommandSpec.initVersionProvider(IVersionProvider) - if this.versionProvider != null
  • CommandSpec.initVersionProvider(Class, IFactory)
  • CommandSpec.initDefaultValueProvider(IDefaultValueProvider) - if this.defaultValueProvider != null
  • CommandSpec.findOption(char, Iterable) -
  • CommandSpec.resemblesOption - with null Tracer
  • UsageMessageSpec.customSynopsis setter
  • UsageMessageSpec.hidden setter
  • UsageMessageSpec.commandListHeading setter
  • UsageMessageSpec.initFromMixin(UsageMessageSpec, CommandSpec) - with non-default hidden
  • UsageMessageSpec.initFrom(UsageMessageSpec, CommandSpec)
  • ParserSpec.initFrom(ParserSpec)
  • ArgSpec constructor - where builder.auxTypes is empty array
  • ArgSpec.renderedDescription() - where desc.length ==0 (empty array)
  • ArgSpec.getter()
  • ArgSpec.getValue - where getter throws PicocliEx or other Exception
  • ArgSpec.setValue - where setter throws PicocliEx or other Exception
  • ArgSpec.setValue(T, CommandLine) - where setter throws other Exception
  • ArgSpec.debug where level is (not?) DEBUG
  • ArgSpec.splitRespectingQuotedStrings - with embedded '' backslash; with unbalanced quotes; where !quotedValues.isEmpty
  • ArgSpec.restoreQuotedStrings - with embedded '' backslash
  • ArgSpec.equalsImpl - where other==this; arit, hideParamSyntax, required, splitRegex, description, descriptionKey, auxTypes
  • ArgSpec.Builder.descriptionKey() getter
  • ArgSpec.Builder.hideParamSyntax() getter
  • ArgSpec.Builder.hasInitialValue() getter
  • ArgSpec.Builder.completionCandidates() getter
  • OptionSpec constructor - where names.length==0 || names.contains("")
  • OptionSpec.internalShowDefaultValue(boolean) - all combinations
  • OptionSpec.equals - equals names, equals super
  • PositionalParamSpec.description - where newValue == null or not null
  • PositionalParamSpec.equals - where capacity, index differ/same
  • PositionalParamSpec where both getter and setter are null
  • MethodParam.getDeclaringExecutable
  • MethodParam.isAccessible
  • TypedMember constructor (5990) where
    [ ] - combinations: params.length==0 && returnType != Void.Type && returnType != Void.class
    [ ] - both getter and setter (cannot be true, fix constructor)
    [ ] - isGetter but not proxy
  • TypedMember.initializeInitialValue - Exception thrown from setter
  • TypedMember.propertyName - where name.length > 3 && starts with "get" or "set"
  • TypedMember.decapitalize - where name == null or name == ""
  • Messages.copy - where original == null/not null
  • Messages.empty - where messages.rb == null
  • Messages.getString - where rb == null or this.keys is empty
  • Messages.getStringArray - where rb == null or this.keys is empty
  • Messages.commandSpec
  • CommandReflection.extractCommandSpec - where object is a class, an InitializationException occurred, but class is not an interface
  • CommandReflection.initSubcommands - where NoSuchMethodException occurred
  • CommandReflection.subcommandName - where @command(name = "")
  • CommandReflection.validateUnmatched - where only unmatched
  • CommandReflection.validateArgSpecField - where both mixin and @option; where final non-primitive: no InitializationException
  • CommandReflection.validateInjectSpec - where @Inject && @Option/@parameters; where @Inject and @unmatched; where @Inject and @mixin
  • CommandReflection.buildMixinForField - where factory throws Exception
  • CommandReflection.buildUnmatchedForField - where List; where member.getter().get() returns null
  • ArgsReflection
  • ArgsReflection.inferLabel - where types.length == 1
  • ArgsReflection.inferTypes - where paramTypes[i] not instanceof WildcardType
  • FieldBinding.get - where field.get throws Exception (inaccessible?)
  • MethodBinding.get - where method.invoke throws Exception (inaccessible?)
  • ParseResult.nowProcessing - where nowProcessing == null
  • ParseResult.addUnmatched(String)
  • ParseResult.addUnmatched(Stack)
  • ParseResult.matchedPositional - where matchedPositionalParams.size <= position
  • ParseResult.matchedPositionals
  • Interpreter.parse - with all combinations of ANSI, TTY, XTerm, etc?
  • Interpreter.addOrExpand - where config.expandAtFiles == false; where traceLevel == INFO
  • Interpreter.expandArgumentFile - where traceLevel == INFO
  • Interpreter.expandValidArgumentFile - where line starts with #; where Exception occurred; where traceLevel == INFO
  • Interpreter.useSimplifiedAtFiles - where system property "picocli.useSimplifiedAtFiles" is empty string
  • Interpreter.parse - where Exception caught and ParserSpec.collectErrors == true
  • Interpreter.applyDefaultValues - where Tracer is DEBUG
  • Interpreter.processArguments
    [ ] - where option=value and optionsMap.contains(key) and optionsMap.contains(value) and Tracer is DEBUG
    [ ] - where Tracer is DEBUG
  • Interpreter.handleUnmatchedArgument - where stack is empty
  • Interpreter.processPositionalParameter
    [ ] - where Tracer is DEBUG
    [ ] - where assertNoMissingParameters returned false
    [ ] - where args.isEmpty when done
  • Interpreter.processClusteredShortOptions
    [ ] - where cluster.length == 0 (NOTE: the internal cluster.length > 0 condition before taking a substring is redundant)
    [ ] - where cluster.length == 0
    [ ] - where arg.endsWith(cluster) is false
  • Interpreter.applyOption (7393)
    [ ] - where args stack is empty
    [ ] - where Tracer DEBUG
    [ ] - where workingStack not empty after popping one element (NOTE may not be reproducible)
  • Interpreter.applyValueToSingleValuedField (7434)
    [ ] - where arity.max > 0 and value.equals("abc")
    [ ] - where arity.max > 0 and value.equals("true") and lookBehind.isAttached
    [ ] - where non-boolean option with omitted optional value, followed by another option
    [ ] - where this method is invoked with an empty stack
    [ ] - where a initialized=null Set is passed as parameter
  • Interpreter.applyValueToMapField (7508) - where auxTypes.length < 2
  • Interpreter.consumeMapArguments (7548)
    [ ] - where an empty args stack is passed in
    [ ] - where option arity is 1..5 and args.length < 5
  • Interpreter.canConsumeOneMapArgument (7600)
  • Interpreter.splitKeyValue where option value is not in KEY=VALUE format
  • Interpreter.applyValuesToArrayField - where String values are converted to Collection objects - this gets flattened
  • Interpreter.applyValuesToCollectionField - where String values are converted to Collection objects - this gets flattened
  • Interpreter.consumeArguments - where type is Boolean and arity > 1
  • Interpreter.consumedCountMap - where ParserSpec.splitFirst == true
  • Interpreter.varargCanConsumeNextValue
    [ ] - where endOfOptions && arg.isPositional
    [ ] - where nextValue is not a command and not an option
  • (7865) - where value == true and Tracer INFO
  • Interpreter.createCollection - where collectionClass is a concrete Collection (not an interface)
  • Interpreter.assertNoMissingParameters
    [ ] - where arity.min > available, arity.min==1, argSpec.isOption and don't throw (ParserSpec.collectErrors is true)
    [ ] - where arity.min > available, arity.min==1, and count<=1 || arity.min - available <= 1
  • Interpreter.unquote
    [ ] - where value is null
    [ ] - where value.length <= 1
  • Interpreter.readPassword (7969) NOTE can only be tested on Java 6+
    [ ] - where echoInput is true
    [ ] - where InputStream.readLine throws IOException
  • BuiltIn.ISO8601TimeConverter
    [ ] - where value.length > 12
    [ ] - where value is "12X09" throws ParseException
  • BuiltIn.ISO8601TimeConverter.createTime with invalid epochMillis should throw TypeConversionException
  • BuiltIn.ISO8601TimeConverter.registerIfAvailable - where registry is null
  • BuiltIn.ByteOrderConverter with "BIG_ENDIAN" value
  • BuiltIn.NetworkInterfaceConverter where NetworkInterface.getByName throws exception (cannot list interfaces) TODO requires mocking?
  • BuiltIn.registerIfAvailable - with invalid factory class name
  • BuiltIn.ReflectionConverter.convert (8217) NOTE may not be able to reproduce Exception
  • - where run is called before init
  • Help.addAllSubcommands with null map
  • Help.addSubcommand
  • Help.synopsis() getter
  • Help.abbreviatedSynopsis - where positionalParam.isHidden is true
  • Help.detailedSynopsis(Comparator, boolean)
  • Help.createDetailedSynopsisOptionsText where shortestName==2 && does not start with "-" or where shortestName != 2 && shortestName.startsWith("-")
  • Help.heading(Ansi, int, String, Object...) - where result.endsWith(lineSep)
  • Help.countTrailingSpaces - where str is null
  • Help.join - where values is null
  • Help.format - where formatString == ""
  • Help.join(String[], int, int, String) - where names == null (8944)
  • Help.createDefaultLayout
  • Help.createMinimalParamLabelRenderer().separator()
  • Help.MinimalOptionRenderer.render - where option.description.length == 0
  • Help.MinimalParameterRenderer.render - where option.description.length == 0
  • Help.DefaultParameterRenderer.createDescriptionFirstLines - where description is an empty array or an array of one empty string
  • Help.Layout(ColorScheme, int) constructor (9348)
  • Help.SortByShortestOptionNameAlphabetically - where o1 is null or o2 is null
  • Help.TextTable(Ansi, Column[]) constructor - where columns.length == 0 (should throw IllegalArgEx)
  • Help.TextTable.cellAt
  • Help.TextTable.addRowValues - where a value in the array is null
  • Help.TextTable.putValue - where row > rowCount() - 1
  • Help.TextTable.putValue - where value is null or value is empty String
  • Help.TextTable.putValue - are all column.overFlow values covered in the switch? - IllegalStateException never thrown (9700)
  • Help.ColorScheme empty constructor (9790)
  • Help.Ansi.isXterm - where System.getenv("TERM") starts with "xterm"
  • Help.Ansi.hasOsType - where System.getenv("OSTYPE") is not null
  • Help.Ansi.calcTTY
  • Help.Ansi.ansiPossible
  • Help.Ansi.isJansiConsoleInstalled
  • Help.Style.parse - where missing closing bracket in "fg(white" or "bg(white"
  • Help.Text.splitLines where ... (10174)
  • Help.Text.append(String)
  • Help.Text.append(Text)
  • Help.Text.hashCode
  • Assert.equals - where o1 is null or o2 is null
  • Tracer.isWarn
  • CosineSimilarity.countNgramFrequency - where ... (10368)
  • ParameterException(CommandLine, String, Throwable, ArgSpec, String) constructor where argSpec and value are both null
  • ParameterException(CommandLine, String, ArgSpec, String) constructor where argSpec and value are both null
  • UnmatchedArgumentException(CommandLine,Stack) constructor
  • UnmatchedArgumentException.getUnmatched()
  • UnmatchedArgumentException.getSuggestions() - where unmatched is null or empty
  • UnmatchedArgumentException.isunknownOption - where unmatch == null or unmatch is empty


  • 94 - where commandName is not null
  • 101 - where autoCompleteScript is null
  • 144 Bashify.bashify - where c is '_'
  • 147 Bashify.bashify - where c is space
  • 154 EnumNameFunction - never called - TODO remove completely
  • 167 BooleanArgFilter - Boolean / boolean
  • 172 EnumArgFilter - never called - TODO remove completely
  • 188 Predicate.and - never called - TODO remove completely
  • 209 CommandDescriptor.equals - with unrelated object, same/different functionName/commandName
  • 533 generateOptionsCases - can this be simplified? enumOptions only contains options with completions
  • 538 generateOptionsCases - where option type is file or option type is java.nio.file.Path (may not be possible when only requiring Java 5 in this module)
  • 568 complete - where spec, args or candidates is null
  • 577 complete - where argIndex < 0 or >= args.length
  • 578 complete - where positionInArg < 0 or >= args[argIndex].length()
  • 592 complete - where subcommand found
  • 600 complete - where subcommand not found and found option with attached separator =
  • 609 complete - where did not find subcommand, option or positional
  • 620 findCompletionStartPoint - where option has arity=2
  • 640 findCommandFor(ArgSpec)
  • 654 findCommandFor(PositionalParamSpec) - where the specified Positional is part of the specified CommandSpec
  • 663 isPicocliModelObject
  • 677 addCandidatesForArgsFollowing(Object) - where obj is null
  • 677 addCandidatesForArgsFollowing(Object) - where obj is a PositionalParamSpec
  • 677 addCandidatesForArgsFollowing(Object) - where obj is neither an OptionSpec nor a PositionalParamSpec
  • 687 addCandidatesForArgsFollowing(CommandSpec) - where command is null
  • 687 addCandidatesForArgsFollowing(OptionSpec) - where OptionSpec is null
  • 687 addCandidatesForArgsFollowing(PositionalParamSpec) - where PositionalParamSpec is null
remkop added a commit that referenced this issue Dec 19, 2018
remkop added a commit that referenced this issue Dec 20, 2018
remkop added a commit that referenced this issue Dec 20, 2018
remkop added a commit that referenced this issue Dec 20, 2018
remkop added a commit that referenced this issue Dec 20, 2018
remkop added a commit that referenced this issue Dec 20, 2018
remkop added a commit that referenced this issue Dec 20, 2018
remkop added a commit that referenced this issue Dec 20, 2018
remkop added a commit that referenced this issue Dec 20, 2018
remkop added a commit that referenced this issue Dec 20, 2018
remkop added a commit that referenced this issue Dec 20, 2018
remkop added a commit that referenced this issue Dec 21, 2018
remkop added a commit that referenced this issue Dec 21, 2018
remkop added a commit that referenced this issue Dec 21, 2018
remkop added a commit that referenced this issue Dec 21, 2018
remkop added a commit that referenced this issue Dec 21, 2018
remkop added a commit that referenced this issue Dec 21, 2018
remkop added a commit that referenced this issue Dec 21, 2018
remkop added a commit that referenced this issue Dec 21, 2018
remkop added a commit that referenced this issue Dec 21, 2018
remkop added a commit that referenced this issue Dec 21, 2018
@remkop remkop added this to the 3.9 milestone Dec 21, 2018
remkop added a commit that referenced this issue Dec 22, 2018
remkop added a commit that referenced this issue Dec 22, 2018
remkop added a commit that referenced this issue Dec 22, 2018
remkop added a commit that referenced this issue Dec 22, 2018
remkop added a commit that referenced this issue Jan 2, 2019
remkop added a commit that referenced this issue Jan 2, 2019
remkop added a commit that referenced this issue Jan 2, 2019
remkop added a commit that referenced this issue Jan 2, 2019
remkop added a commit that referenced this issue Jan 3, 2019
@remkop remkop closed this as completed in eca9e6c Jan 3, 2019
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