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Renan edited this page Aug 19, 2018 · 4 revisions

How to get VESC working with ROS

ROS drivers for the VESC are provided by the MIT RACECAR team.

After cloning, you might need to install the ros serial package for it to compile.

sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-serial

Once installed, catkin_make

The vesc_driver package establishes a connection to the VESC via UART.

Be sure to check the default port in the launch file: roscd vesc_driver/launch

Edit the vesc_driver_node.launch file. Once done, do roslaunch vesc_driver vesc_driver_node.launch

Now, do a rostopic list and you will be able to see several topics be published/listened on

  • /commands/motor/brake
  • /commands/motor/current
  • /commands/motor/duty_cycle
  • /commands/motor/position
  • /commands/motor/speed
  • /commands/servo/position
  • /sensors/core
  • /sensors/servo_position_command Do a rostopic echo /sensors/core to view certain sensor information like:


  • voltage_input: 12.0
  • temperature_pcb: 28.7
  • current_motor: -0.06
  • current_input: 0.0
  • speed: -193.0
  • duty_cycle: -0.014
  • charge_drawn: 18.0
  • charge_regen: 0.0
  • energy_drawn: 223.0
  • energy_regen: 2.0
  • displacement: -2077.0
  • distance_traveled: 16301.0
  • fault_code: 0

Next, we can publish on the /commands/motor/speed topic to execute RPM commands. From the CLI, you can do:

rostopic pub -r 20 /commands/motor/speed -- std_msgs/Float64 -200

The syntax is rostopic pub --args <topic> <msg type> <value>

In this case, the -r 20 argument makes it publish at a constant rate of 20Hz, the -- after the topic is needed to specify that there are no further arguments so that it can parse negative values correctly.

This will cause the wheel to spin at -200 RPM, given that the VESC motor params have be set correctly with the BLDC_Tool.

Servo command:

rostopic pub -r 20 /commands/servo/position -- std_msgs/Float64 45

servo command value range is still unknown...

Getting odometry from the VESC

roslaunch vesc_ackermann vesc_to_odom_node.launch

Launch will fail, as we need to specify 5 rosparams:

  • speed_to_erpm_gain
  • speed_to_erpm_offset
  • steering_angle_to_servo_gain
  • steering_angle_to_servo_offset
  • wheelbase

These can be set manually via CLI by running: rosparam set speed_to_erpm_gain -1664

erpm gain of -1664 is what the VESC + MST is currently tuned for. offset should be 0, may go back to investigate whether we can use this to account for steady-state error

TODO: set the rosparams from the .launch file, using a .xml list

once these params are set, the node should launch properly. The node publishes on the /odom_vesc topic a nav_msgs/Odometry message.

If you echo it, it will be empty, until you publish on BOTH the /commands/motor/speed and /commands/servo/position topics.

rostopic echo /odom_vesc --noarr

It will also publish a transform from base_link to the odom frame.

Steering Mapping

steering_angle_to_servo_gain = 1 steering_angle_to_servo_offset = 0.22

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