Random Attributes, Tags & Style
Random web content (HTML, CSS, SVG) generator for Fuzzinator.
- Python >= 3.5
- pip and setuptools Python packages (the latter is automatically installed by pip).
- MongoDB (either local installation or access to remote database)
- ANTLR v4
The quick way:
pip install generinator-rats
Alternatively, by cloning the project and running setuptools:
python setup.py install
As a first step, Generinator:RATS needs to process existing web content to extract names of, parent-child relation between, and values of tags and attributes. The extracted information is then stored in a database.
Example invocation of the processing step:
generinator-rats-process <input1.html> <input2.css> <input3.svg> <inputdir4>
Once the processing step has built a database, the generator of Generinator:RATS can be used to produce any number of files with random web content.
Example invocation of the generation step:
generinator-rats -n <number-of-tests> -o <output-dir>
For more information on their usage, use the --help command line option on any of the tools.
(Note: The processing step can be re-executed any number of times, even after executing the generator. Actually, it may be really useful to periodically run the processing step on new input files or test suites.)