Three-dimensional presentation of Pokémons in
Very early version of model viewer with plenty of bugs. Many of models need to revalidate materials and rewrite paths.
- Certificate on the website is untrusted - have to visit and accept it
- Problem with the material of the first rendering
- Wrong initial position
- Wrong initial rotation
- Imprecise lighting
- Allow to change models dynamically #bloopers
- All Pokemon models come from
- ALL models are property of Nintendo/Gamefreak and are in no way to be used for profit without express written permission of Nintendo .inc. The downloader (You) has full responsibility and liability for their actions regarding the data within the downloaded files/directories and Richard Sowden/ROEStudios accepts no liability or responsibility with regards to your usage. The distribution of theise files is purely on the understanding that you will use them legally. If you do not, it's not my fault. You've been warned enough times.