This repository contains the configuration files which are required to run thumbor on Heroku.
- Install pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv
pyenv install 2.7.9
- Install virtualenvwrapper
Make sure that this has been added to your environment (e.g. .zshrc):
eval "$(pyenv init - zsh)"
eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"
Clone the project, setup virtualenv and install dependencies:
git clone
cd renuo-thumbor
pyenv virtualenv 2.7.9 renuo-thumbor-2.7.9
pip install -r requirements.txt
pyenv rehash
thumbor -p $PORT -c ./thumbor.conf
heroku create example
git clone
cd renuo-thumbor
git remote add heroku
heroku config:set THUMBOR_SECURITY_KEY='<long random string, min 28 characters, e.g. UJwHAZLsRejTyLI88lAriHL7xAXa6q0umiwwpPcP>'
heroku config:set WEB_CONCURRENCY=20
heroku config:set SENTRY_DSN='https://<random string>'
git push heroku master
The THUMBOR_SECURITY_KEY is a shared key (proxy and thumbor app) to validate that the image can be processed by thumbor.
In thumbor this key is called SECURITY_KEY. See also:
Generate it randomly, and keep it secret (only shared with the thumbor app).
Example: UJwHAZLsRejTyLI88lAriHL7xAXa6q0umiwwpPcP
The SENTRY_DSN is a DSN fot Sentry to monitor thumbor.