Example project showcasing how to use Replicated vendor APIs to build a go-to-market portal to allow end customers to self-service signups and license downloads.
During operation, the project runs a web app and a backend API to generate and deliver new trial licenses for your app. When a user requests a trial, it will:
- Create a new customer record in Replicated
- Download the license from Replicated and deliver it to the user via browser download
- Deliver webhooks to update any configured CRM systems with the user's provided info
- Display configured installation instructions to the user
The Enterprise GTM starter can be configured and deployed directly to your existing Kubernetes cluster. The recommended installation method is to use helm or kots.
To perform a Helm install, you can use the community license available in this repo under dexter@replicated.com
helm registry login registry.replicated.com --username dexter@replicated.com --password 2L3lLskMa8SsoJ4S4lHtl5Winhj
if you don't have kubectl preflight
installed, install it with
curl https://krew.sh/preflight | bash
Execute preflight checks with:
kubectl preflight oci://registry.replicated.com/enterprise-gtm-starter
And, finally, install the chart with:
helm install enterprise-gtm-starter oci://registry.replicated.com/enterprise-gtm-starter/enterprise-gtm-starter
curl https://kots.io/install
kubectl kots install enterprise-gtm-starter
You'll need to procure a community license for the project, one can be found in this repo.
The KOTS configuration screen will allow you to configure:
- Replicated API token and Application details
- Trial duration and expiration behavior
- Custom copy and whitelabeling
As noted in deploying, there are a number of options that can be used to customize the messaging and operation of the go to market portal. However, while the project aims to present some basic customizations, it is also designed to be a minimal POC. Therefore, rich customization like CSS, extra fields, etc are not supported. Instead, it's recommended that you import or copy the relevant pieces of this project into your own application.
As usual, set
You can also set
GIN_ADDRESS # defaults to :8800
PROXY_FRONTEND # default to FE server @ localhost:3000
REPLICATED_API_ORIGIN # defaults to https://api.replicated.com/vendor
REPLICATED_CHANNEL # defaults to Stable
LICENSE_DURATION # defaults to 720h, about 1 month
To set up linting and testing before pushing, run
make setup-git-hooks
This will add a file at .git/hooks/pre-push
to run make pre-push
. To just run the tests once, run
make pre-push
In one window, run
cd frontend
npm install
npm run start
In another, from the root of the repo
make serve
You can also build a single docker image to run the frontend and backend, but this will be a slower iteration loop
docker build . -t enterprise-gtm-starter && docker run --rm -p 8888:8888 -it -e REPLICATED_API_TOKEN -e REPLICATED_APP enterprise-gtm-starter