Kotsadm is an installable admin console for managing Kubernetes Off-The-Shelf (KOTS) software. Kotsadm provides a nextgen admin experience for any KOTS application, designed to meet the needs of a wide spectrum of enterprise IT admins, from a “click-to-deploy” model to “automated operations”.
Once deployed, Kotsadm gives administrators the ability to get an application configured, installed and updated using step-through configuration, and automated preflight checks.
For advanced cluster operators, we recommend setting up the GitOps & internal registry integrations to move away from click-to-deploy and instead leverage an Kotsadm's automated operations.
Software vendors can package their Kubernetes applications or Helm charts as a KOTS application in order to distribute the application to cluster operators. Kotsadm can serve as the whitelabeled (or multi-app), in-cluster admin console for any KOTS application.
Kots CLI is a kubectl plugin to help manage Kubernetes Off-The-Shelf software. See the documentation for more information on Kots CLI.
For more information on installing Kotsadm locally see
For docs on setting up a dev environment to build and run kotsadm locally, read the CONTRIBUTING guide.
For questions about using KOTS & Kotsadm, there's a Replicated Community forum, and a #kots channel in Kubernetes Slack.