Machinery for compatibility with, the protocol behind the Workspace ↔ pid2 WebSocket (and in general, the protocol behind the Workspace ↔ * WebSocket).
Since the pid2 services are declared in TypeScript using TypeBox in the main repl-it-web repository, and it would be terrible for everyone involved to force folks to follow this paradigm of declaring their services, types, and interfaces in a foreign repository, any other River servers will use gRPC for their protocol definition and implementation. The @replit/river-codegen
package can be used to compile the gRPC .proto
files into a River-compatible TypeBox declaration that can be then packaged into an npm package that can be imported by the Workspace and consumed ergonomically.
This includes the necessary machinery to act as a client or server for River:
- As a River server, create a WebSocket server and the gRPC -> Python River codegen (similar to the protoc flow that generates the Python bindings).
- As a River client, create a WebSocket client and the JSON Schema -> Python River codegen.
python -m river.codegen client --output pkgs/river/river/ --client-name Pid2Client pkgs/river/schema.json
- If we need to create the client-side of a Python gRPC River server, we also need to generate the JSON schema from the .proto file, with this command:
python -m river.codegen server-schema --output pkgs/river/river/ pkgs/river/tests/client/proto/test.proto && cat ./test_schema.json
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