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REPLME is a project aimed at making it easy to try out Clojure software by providing a containerized environment to download libraries and run them.

If you think this is rad it'd be sweet if you voted for us.


If you're running this on REPLME. Here are some examples to click on and try;

(reduce * 10 [2 3 4 50])
(doseq [n (range 0 50)]
  (println n))
(defn afn
  (->> (map an-arg-fn [1 2 3 4 3 2 9 3])
       (map pr-str)
       (apply str)))

(afn #(vector (* 10 %) (* 100 %)))
(require '[clojure.string :as str :refer [join]])

(join " " ["Vote" "for" "us" "in" "the" "Clojure" "Cup!"])


REPLME uses Docker to run nREPL which it then connects to over Websokets. To run REPLME you'll need a machine with Docker installed. Since non-Linux computers cannot run Docker natively we provide a Vagrant file, compatible with Vagrant > 1.5 and VirtualBox

4.3, configured to install Docker. To use

vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
lein run -m 8080 localhost:8181

You'll also need to run lein cljsbuild once either on vagrant or your local machine to compile the front end.

Once you've done that it should be running at http://localhost:8080/.


Copyright 2014 Edward Paget and Alex Weiksnar APGLv3. See LICENSE


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