Small tool to determine whether a certain font contains certain characters. Usage is:
./has_char font_name < characters_to_be_tested.txt
$ echo 'I❤U' | ./has_char 'Bitstream Vera Sans'
Missing char: ❤
Font name should be exact, otherwise fontconfig will default to some other font and the program will fail:
$ ./has_char 'DejaVuSans' < file.txt
Couldn't find font DejaVuSans, aborting
$ ./has_char 'DejaVu Sans' < file.txt
Missing char: 한
Missing char: 글
To figure out the font's name, use any program that allows you to select fonts, like gtk2fontsel.
The program will return a zero status if all characters were found, and a non-zero status if any characters were not found:
$ echo '☺' | ./has_char 'Bitstream Vera Sans' && echo 'success' || echo 'failure'
Missing char: ☺
$ echo ':)' | ./has_char 'Bitstream Vera Sans' && echo 'success' || echo 'failure'