This project contains application source code for Change Detection C library and related scripts. This code is deprecated, non-reviewed and non-verified. All future work is being directed toward USGS-EROS/lcmap-pyccd.
To install, simply run the top-level make
$ git clone
$ cd lcmap-change-detection-c
$ make
The executables and scripts will be installed into ./bin
by default. This
can be overridden by setting a BIN
environment variable or using a BIN
variable when running the target:
$ BIN=/my/path/bin make
For additional notes, such as installing dependencies (Ubuntu), overriding
variables, etc., see:
[We're in active development on making this not only work, but be usable. Ticket #5 has some early usability notes + tasks that we're trying to hit right away, if you're interested in tracking this.]
Development notes for C-CCDC are maintained in the project wiki. For more details, see:
- [CCDC Development](../../wiki/CCDC Development)
- Using CCDC with Docker
- NOTE: This algorithm is not validated and considered prototype.
- See CCDC ADD for the detailed description.
This project is hosted by the US Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Resources
Observation and Science (EROS) Land Change Monitoring, Assessment, and
Projection (LCMAP)
Project. For questions regarding this source code, please contact the
Landsat Contact Us page and specify
in the "Regarding" section.