For our app TeamUp, we needed complete control over the camera, due to a highly demanding
privacy requirement. An implementation on top of the cwac-camera
created by Mark Murphy.
You can also read the blog post, with a more tutorial like example.
To add this lib as a dependency:
- Pull this repository to tyou local machine
git clone
- Install the project into your local repository (assuming you have a repository)
gradlew install
. The project is build and uploaded to your local repository. - Use the project as a dependency
implementation 'com.askcs:android-simple-camera:1.2-snapshot'
<version>(insert latest version)</version>
To use this library you can add android-simple-camera library in your project or you can also grab it via Gradle:
Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
Add dependencies :
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.rerlanggas:android-simple-camera:1.0'
This implementation is built around the CameraFragment
The CameraFragment is wrapped in an Activity, together with a Builder class, that only reveals a couple of the options
of the SimpleCameraHost. This is done to keep it simple.
If your project is targeting API 23+ or will be used on such devices, you have to request these permissions from the user.
Before using the library, make sure you have the appropriate permissions. You can do this anywhere in your application before accessing the camera.
/* ... */
static final int PERMISSION_REQUEST_CODE = 1;
boolean requestPermissions = false;
String[] permissions = new String[]{Manifest.permission.CAMERA, Manifest.permission.RECORD_AUDIO};
for(String s : permissions)
if(ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, s) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED)
requestPermissions = true;
ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, permissions, PERMISSIONS_REQUEST_CODE);
You should also check whether the user has consented to the request. See for further details.
###Using the Builder class
The following snippet creates a new SimpleCameraActivity.Buidler
object, chooses the back facing camera, selects the
and gives no location. If no location is given, the picture will be saved in the cache folder of your app.
####Things to configure
Call these methods on the SimpleCameraActivity.Builder
to configure.
Set to true to use the front facing camera. If the front facing camera is not available on the device, it will fall back on the back facing camera.
Default false
Sets the directory where the picture/video should be saved.
Default: context.getCacheDir()
Sets the filename. Make sure NOT to include the file extension! A picture will always be JPEG, a video will always be MP4.
Default: UUID.randomUUID().toString()
Sets the size of the picture that will be saved. The preview of the SimpleCameraFragment will be adjusted to this size.
Default: Size.NORMAL
When done, build(Context)
to get the Intent, or startForResult(Activity, int)
to directly start the SimpleCameraActivity.
Also, a build(Context, Class)
and startForResult(Activity, Class, int)
are available, whenever you subclass SimpleCameraActivity.
public class MyActivity extends Activity {
public static final int PICTURE_CODE = 1337;
// Left out framework callbacks and other stuff for readability
public void onClick(View view) {
new SimpleCameraActivity.Builder()
.startForResult(this, PICTURE_CODE);
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
// We'll need this, keep on reading...
###Or via an Intent
The following snippet creates a new Intent for SimpleCameraActivity
. It chooses the back facing camera, selects the
and gives the app cache directory as directory location and an earlier set filename.
#####Things to configure
Include these extras in the Intent to configure the SimpleCameraActivity
You could also use the Builder
to configure it, and than call .build(Context)
on it to get the Intent.
Set to true to use the front facing camera. If the front facing camera is not available on the device, it will fall back on the back facing camera.
Default false
Sets the directory where the picture/video should be saved.
Default : context.getCacheDir()
The filename. Make sure NOT to include the file extension! A picture will always be JPEG, a video will always be MP4.
Default: UUID.randomUUID().toString()
Sets the size of the picture that will be saved. Use the .ordinal()
of a SimpleCameraFragment.Size
. If the found integer is not known as an ordinal of Size
, the default is used. The preview of the SimpleCameraFragment will be adjusted to this size.
Default: Size.NORMAL
public class MyActivity extends Activity {
public static final int PICTURE_CODE = 1337;
// Left out framework callbacks and other stuff for readability
public void onClick(View view) {
Intent simpleCameraIntent = new Intent(context, SimpleCameraActivity.class)
.putExtra(EXTRA_DIR, dir.getPath())
.putExtra(EXTRA_FILENAME, fileName)
.putExtra(EXTRA_SIZE, SimpleCameraFragment.Size.NORMAL.ordinal());
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
// We'll need this, keep on reading...
###Handle the result in onActivityResult()
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
switch (requestCode) {
switch (resultCode) {
case SimpleCameraActivity.RESULT_CODE_ACCEPTED:
// Hurray! The image / video was taken by the user and succesfully saved to the given location
// You can find the location using data.getStringExtra(SimpleCameraActivity.EXTRA_FILENAME)
case SimpleCameraActivity.RESULT_CODE_CANCELLED: // fall through allowed, has same message
case SimpleCameraActivity.RESULT_CODE_REJECTED:
// The user was not satisfied, or did not want to take photo after all.
// You could display a message that taking the photo / video was cancelled
case SimpleCameraActivity.RESULT_CODE_ERROR:
// Oh snap! Something went wrong! The photo / video is not saved, if it was taken by the user
// Meh, the CameraActivity did not invoke setResult(). Please report that with the reason as an issue on GitHub :)
Log.d(TAG, "Unknown request code: " + requestCode + ". Expected " + requestCode);
Some notes:
- A picture is always saved with a .jpg suffix
- A video is always saved with a .mp4 suffix
- The cwac-camera takes care of rotating the pictures the right way
- Recording videos and switching the camera is currently disabled
The following attributes are available in the SimpleCamera theme:
: Allows the user to switch front/back facing camera. Only when multiple cameras are availablescButtonTakePictureStyle
: Button to take the actual picturescButtonRecordVideoStyle
: Button to start recording a videoscButtonStopRecordingStyle
: Button to stop recording a video. Visible after record button is clickedscButtonAcceptStyle
: Button to accept the picture / video after it is takenscButtonRejectStyle
: Button to reject the picture / video after it is taken
Don't forget to set the theme in your manifest:
manifest.xml This is a part of the manifest. See the snippet at the top of the blog article for the complete manifest.
<manifest xmlns:android="" >
<application android:icon="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:label="Your app">
<!-- ... -->
<activity android:name=".ui.activity.CameraActivity"
The following should be locally installed:
- Git
- Maven 3.0.3+
- Android SDK
The Android Support Library v13 and Google Maps v2 are needed by the
TeamUp App, which are not in the central Maven repository. You need to
install them using Android's SDK manager, and then use the
to put these libraries in your local Maven
Start the SDK manager by doing:
$ANDROID_HOME/tools/android sdk
and install/update the Android Support Library v13 (it's located under Extras), and install everything under SDK API level 17.
And then install it to your local Maven repository:
cd /tmp
git clone
cd maven-android-sdk-deployer/extras/compatibility-v13
mvn install
###Clone this project
git clone
cd team-up
Inside the root folder, android-simple-camera/
, create a file called and add a single entry to it:
###Install And install the library into your local maven repository
mvn clean install
##Using in your project
In your POM, add this library as a dependency. Note to add it as an apklib