kittest is a GUI testing library for Rust, inspired by Testing Library. It leverages AccessKit to provide a framework-agnostic solution for testing user interfaces, with a focus on accessibility.
This library is designed to be flexible and works with any GUI framework that supports AccessKit. Creating new kittest integrations is simple and straightforward. To get started, check out our basic integration example.
- egui_kittest: Official integration for egui.
If you create a new integration, please open a PR to add it to this list!
Example usage with egui_kittest
use egui::accesskit::Toggled;
use egui_kittest::{Harness, kittest::Queryable};
fn main() {
let mut checked = false;
let app = |ui: &mut egui::Ui| {
ui.checkbox(&mut checked, "Check me!");
let mut harness = Harness::new_ui(app);
let checkbox = harness.get_by_label("Check me!");
assert_eq!(checkbox.toggled(), Some(Toggled::False));;;
let checkbox = harness.get_by_label("Check me!");
assert_eq!(checkbox.toggled(), Some(Toggled::True));
Also see the querying example.