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rmgk committed Apr 20, 2024
1 parent ffd51a7 commit bd367b5
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Showing 49 changed files with 246 additions and 280 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -3,9 +3,7 @@ package reactives.benchmarks.distributed.rtt
import java.util.concurrent._
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations._
import reactives.core.ReInfo
import reactives.fullmv.DistributedFullMVApi.{
FullMVEngine, ReactiveLocalClone, Signal, Signals, Var, scopedScheduler, transactionWithWrapup
import reactives.fullmv.DistributedFullMVApi.{FullMVEngine, ReactiveLocalClone, Signal, Signals, Var, scopedScheduler, transactionWithWrapup}
import reactives.fullmv.mirrors.localcloning.FakeDelayer

import scala.concurrent.duration._
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Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,7 @@ package reactives.benchmarks.distributed.rtt

import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations._
import reactives.core.ReInfo
import reactives.fullmv.DistributedFullMVApi.{
FullMVEngine, ReactiveLocalClone, Signal, Signals, Var, scopedScheduler, transactionWithWrapup
import reactives.fullmv.DistributedFullMVApi.{FullMVEngine, ReactiveLocalClone, Signal, Signals, Var, scopedScheduler, transactionWithWrapup}
import reactives.fullmv.mirrors.localcloning.FakeDelayer

import java.util.concurrent._
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Expand Up @@ -3,9 +3,7 @@ package reactives.fullmv.mirrors.localcloning
import reactives.fullmv.mirrors._
import reactives.fullmv.sgt.synchronization._
import reactives.fullmv.tasks.TaskBundle
import reactives.fullmv.{
FullMVBundle, FullMVUtil, FullMvStateBundle, TransactionSpanningTreeNode, TurnImplBundle, TurnPhase
import reactives.fullmv.{FullMVBundle, FullMVUtil, FullMvStateBundle, TransactionSpanningTreeNode, TurnImplBundle, TurnPhase}

import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
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Expand Up @@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ import de.rmgk.delay.syntax.toAsync
import de.rmgk.delay.{Async, Callback}
import org.scalajs.dom
import org.scalajs.dom.html.{Div, Input, Table}
import org.scalajs.dom.{
MouseEvent, RTCIceConnectionState, RTCIceGatheringState, RTCIceServer, UIEvent, document, window
import org.scalajs.dom.{MouseEvent, RTCIceConnectionState, RTCIceGatheringState, RTCIceServer, UIEvent, document, window}
import scalatags.JsDom.all.*
import scalatags.JsDom.tags2.section

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Expand Up @@ -5,10 +5,7 @@ import channel.{InChan, JsArrayBufferMessageBuffer, MessageBuffer, OutChan, Prod
import de.rmgk.delay
import de.rmgk.delay.{Async, Sync, syntax}
import org.scalajs.dom
import org.scalajs.dom.{
RTCConfiguration, RTCIceCandidate, RTCIceConnectionState, RTCIceGatheringState, RTCSessionDescription,
import org.scalajs.dom.{RTCConfiguration, RTCIceCandidate, RTCIceConnectionState, RTCIceGatheringState, RTCSessionDescription, RTCSignalingState}

import scala.annotation.nowarn
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5 changes: 1 addition & 4 deletions Modules/Channels/jvm/src/main/scala/channel/udp/UDP.scala
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Expand Up @@ -4,10 +4,7 @@ import channel.{ArrayMessageBuffer, BiChan, InChan, MessageBuffer, OutChan, Prod
import de.rmgk.delay.Async

import{BufferedInputStream, BufferedOutputStream, IOException}
DatagramPacket, DatagramSocket, InetAddress, InetSocketAddress, ServerSocket, Socket, SocketAddress, SocketException,
import{DatagramPacket, DatagramSocket, InetAddress, InetSocketAddress, ServerSocket, Socket, SocketAddress, SocketException, SocketTimeoutException}
import java.util.concurrent.{Executors, ScheduledFuture, ThreadFactory, TimeUnit}
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
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@@ -1,12 +1,8 @@
package benchmarks.encrdt

import benchmarks.encrdt.mock.insecure.{AlternativeInsecureToDoListClient, AlternativeInsecureToDoListIntermediary}
import benchmarks.encrdt.mock.{
DisseminationStats, IntermediarySizeInfo, SecureToDoListClient, ToDoListClient, ToDoListIntermediary
import benchmarks.encrdt.todolist.{
AddToDoItem, CompleteToDoItem, RemoveToDoItems, ToDoEntry, ToDoListInteraction, ToDoListInteractionGenerator
import benchmarks.encrdt.mock.{DisseminationStats, IntermediarySizeInfo, SecureToDoListClient, ToDoListClient, ToDoListIntermediary}
import benchmarks.encrdt.todolist.{AddToDoItem, CompleteToDoItem, RemoveToDoItems, ToDoEntry, ToDoListInteraction, ToDoListInteractionGenerator}
import Codecs.*
import encrdtlib.container.DeltaAddWinsLastWriterWinsMap
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Expand Up @@ -8,21 +8,15 @@ import reswing.reshapes.actions.{LoadAction, SaveAction}
import reswing.reshapes.drawing.{Command, DrawingSpaceState, MergeDrawingSpaces, NetworkSpaceState}
import reswing.reshapes.figures.Shape
import reswing.reshapes.ui.dialogs.{NewTabDialog, ServerDialog}
import reswing.reshapes.ui.panels.{
CommandPanel, DrawingPanel, InfoPanel, ShapePanel, ShapeSelectionPanel, ShowCoordinateSystem, ShowIntersection,
ShowNameLabels, StrokeInputPanel
import reswing.reshapes.ui.panels.{CommandPanel, DrawingPanel, InfoPanel, ShapePanel, ShapeSelectionPanel, ShowCoordinateSystem, ShowIntersection, ShowNameLabels, StrokeInputPanel}
import reswing.reshapes.util.ReactiveUtil.{UnionEvent, bilateralValues}
import reswing.ReMenuItem.toMenuItem
import reswing.{ReMenu, ReMenuItem, ReSwingValue}

import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import scala.swing.BorderPanel.Position
import scala.swing.TabbedPane.Page
import scala.swing.{
Action, BorderPanel, Component, Dimension, MainFrame, Menu, MenuBar, MenuItem, Separator, SimpleSwingApplication,
Swing, TabbedPane
import scala.swing.{Action, BorderPanel, Component, Dimension, MainFrame, Menu, MenuBar, MenuItem, Separator, SimpleSwingApplication, Swing, TabbedPane}
import scala.swing.event.SelectionChanged

object ReShapes extends SimpleSwingApplication {
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Expand Up @@ -22,77 +22,82 @@ object ConversionTest {

* Contains all supported units with their conversion from Celsius. To add support for a unit, simply add it to the
* enum with the lens representing the corresponding conversion
* @param lens the conversion lens from Celsius
/** Contains all supported units with their conversion from Celsius. To add support for a unit, simply add it to the
* enum with the lens representing the corresponding conversion
* @param lens the conversion lens from Celsius
enum TempConversion(val lens: BijectiveLens[Double, Double]):
//All Conversions are given from Celsius
// All Conversions are given from Celsius
case C extends TempConversion(new NeutralLens)
case K extends TempConversion(new AddLens(274.15))
case L extends TempConversion(new AddLens(253))
case F extends TempConversion(new MulLens(1.8).compose(new AddLens(32.0)))
end TempConversion

* Creates a lens which converts between any supported units
def conversionLens(from : TempConversion, to : TempConversion): BijectiveLens[Double, Double] = from.lens.inverse.compose(to.lens)
/** Creates a lens which converts between any supported units */
def conversionLens(from: TempConversion, to: TempConversion): BijectiveLens[Double, Double] =

* A demonstration of reactive lenses using a simple unit converter for temperature units
/** A demonstration of reactive lenses using a simple unit converter for temperature units */
def unitConverter() = {

//Create selection for units and convert selected units to signals
val leftUnitInput: TypedTag[Select] = select({ unit => option(unit.toString) })
val (leftUnitEvent: Event[String], renderedLeftUnit: Select) = RenderUtil.dropDownHandler(leftUnitInput, oninput, clear = false)
val leftUnitSignal: Signal[TempConversion] = leftUnitEvent.hold(init = renderedLeftUnit.value).map{TempConversion.valueOf(_)}
// Create selection for units and convert selected units to signals
val leftUnitInput: TypedTag[Select] = select( { unit => option(unit.toString) })
val (leftUnitEvent: Event[String], renderedLeftUnit: Select) =
RenderUtil.dropDownHandler(leftUnitInput, oninput, clear = false)
val leftUnitSignal: Signal[TempConversion] =
leftUnitEvent.hold(init = renderedLeftUnit.value).map { TempConversion.valueOf(_) }

val rightUnitInput: TypedTag[Select] = select( { unit => option(unit.toString) })
val (rightUnitEvent: Event[String], renderedRightUnit: Select) = RenderUtil.dropDownHandler(rightUnitInput, oninput, clear = false)
val rightUnitSignal: Signal[TempConversion] = rightUnitEvent.hold(init = renderedRightUnit.value).map{TempConversion.valueOf(_)}
val (rightUnitEvent: Event[String], renderedRightUnit: Select) =
RenderUtil.dropDownHandler(rightUnitInput, oninput, clear = false)
val rightUnitSignal: Signal[TempConversion] =
rightUnitEvent.hold(init = renderedRightUnit.value).map { TempConversion.valueOf(_) }

//Create the two LVars containing the left and right value using reactive lenses.
val leftVar = LVar(0.0)
val rightVar = leftVar.applyLens(SignalLens(Signal{conversionLens(leftUnitSignal.value, rightUnitSignal.value)}))
// Create the two LVars containing the left and right value using reactive lenses.
val leftVar = LVar(0.0)
val rightVar = leftVar.applyLens(SignalLens(Signal { conversionLens(leftUnitSignal.value, rightUnitSignal.value) }))

//Create text fields and input events for the values
// Create text fields and input events for the values
val leftValueInput: TypedTag[Input] = input(value :=
val (leftValueEvent: Event[String], renderedLeftValue: Input) = RenderUtil.inputFieldHandler(leftValueInput, oninput, clear = false)
val (leftValueEvent: Event[String], renderedLeftValue: Input) =
RenderUtil.inputFieldHandler(leftValueInput, oninput, clear = false)

val rightValueInput: TypedTag[Input] = input(value :=
val (rightValueEvent: Event[String], renderedRightValue: Input) = RenderUtil.inputFieldHandler(rightValueInput, oninput, clear = false)

//Register input events as source of change for LVars{toDoubleOr0(_)}){toDoubleOr0(_)})

//Observe LVars to update UI
leftVar.observe{ value => RenderUtil.setInputDisplay(renderedLeftValue, value.toString) }
rightVar.observe{ value => RenderUtil.setInputDisplay(renderedRightValue, value.toString) }

//Combine all UI elements
div(p("Unit Conversion with Lenses"), renderedLeftUnit, renderedRightUnit, br , renderedLeftValue, renderedRightValue)
val (rightValueEvent: Event[String], renderedRightValue: Input) =
RenderUtil.inputFieldHandler(rightValueInput, oninput, clear = false)

// Register input events as source of change for LVars { toDoubleOr0(_) }) { toDoubleOr0(_) })

// Observe LVars to update UI
leftVar.observe { value => RenderUtil.setInputDisplay(renderedLeftValue, value.toString) }
rightVar.observe { value => RenderUtil.setInputDisplay(renderedRightValue, value.toString) }

// Combine all UI elements
p("Unit Conversion with Lenses"),

* Returns the double represented by the string or 0 if no double is represented
def toDoubleOr0(str : String): Double = {
/** Returns the double represented by the string or 0 if no double is represented */
def toDoubleOr0(str: String): Double = {
try {
{ str.toDouble }
} catch {
case _ => {0.0}
case _ => { 0.0 }

* A demonstration of the effect of declaration order on event execution if an event effects multiple LVars in the same
* cluster. When inverting the definition of b and c, the output changes.
/** A demonstration of the effect of declaration order on event execution if an event effects multiple LVars in the same
* cluster. When inverting the definition of b and c, the output changes.
def raceConditionTest(): Unit = {
val a = LVar(0)
val b = a.applyLens(new AddLens(1))
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Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import scalatags.JsDom.{Attr, TypedTag}

object RenderUtil {
def inputFieldHandler(tag: TypedTag[Input], attr: Attr, clear: Boolean = true): (Event[String], Input) = {
val handler = Event.fromCallback(tag(attr := Event.handle[UIEvent]))
val handler = Event.fromCallback(tag(attr := Event.handle[UIEvent]))
val todoInputField: Input =

// observer to prevent form submit and empty content
Expand All @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ object RenderUtil {

def dropDownHandler(tag: TypedTag[Select], attr: Attr, clear: Boolean = true): (Event[String], Select) = {
val handler = Event.fromCallback(tag(attr := Event.handle[UIEvent]))
val handler = Event.fromCallback(tag(attr := Event.handle[UIEvent]))
val todoInputField: Select =

// // observer to prevent form submit and empty content
Expand All @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ object RenderUtil {
(inputFieldText, todoInputField)

def setInputDisplay(in : Input, text : String): Unit = {
def setInputDisplay(in: Input, text: String): Unit = {
in.value = text
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ def run(): Unit =
val nodeId = sget(URI.create(s"$api/status/nodeid")).bind

val replica = Replica(Uid.gen(), nodeId, service,
val replica = Replica(Uid.gen(), nodeId, service,
given LocalReplicaId =

val bundleString = sget(URI.create(s"$api/status/bundles")).bind
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Expand Up @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ case class Paxos[A, N <: Int](

def write(value: A): Paxos[A,N] =
def write(value: A): Paxos[A, N] =
// TODO: What would write look like? Maybe return false if we can't write at the moment?

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Expand Up @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class AWSetTest extends munit.ScalaCheckSuite {
implicit val IntCodec: JsonValueCodec[Int] = JsonCodecMaker.make
property("add") {
forAll { (set: AntiEntropyContainer[ReplicatedSet[Int]], e: Int) =>
given LocalReplicaId = set.replicaID
given LocalReplicaId = set.replicaID
val added: AntiEntropyContainer[ReplicatedSet[Int]] = set.add(e)

val elems = added.elements
Expand All @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class AWSetTest extends munit.ScalaCheckSuite {
property("remove") {
forAll { (set: AntiEntropyContainer[ReplicatedSet[Int]], e: Int) =>
given LocalReplicaId = set.replicaID
given LocalReplicaId = set.replicaID
val removedNotContained = set.remove(e)
val added = set.add(e)
val removed = added.remove(e)
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Expand Up @@ -11,21 +11,21 @@ import Paxos.*
class PaxosTest extends munit.FunSuite {
given Bottom[Int] with
override def empty: Int = Int.MinValue
given dots: Dots = Dots.empty
val id1 = LocalReplicaId.gen()
val id2 = LocalReplicaId.gen()
val id3 = LocalReplicaId.gen()
test("Paxos for 3 participants without errors"){

given dots: Dots = Dots.empty
val id1 = LocalReplicaId.gen()
val id2 = LocalReplicaId.gen()
val id3 = LocalReplicaId.gen()

test("Paxos for 3 participants without errors") {
var a: Paxos[Int, 2] = Paxos.unchanged(using 2)

a = a merge a.prepare()(using id1)
a = a merge a.upkeep()(using id1) merge a.upkeep()(using id2) merge a.upkeep()(using id3)
assertEquals(, None)
a = a merge a.accept(1)(using id1)
a = a merge a.upkeep()(using id1) merge a.upkeep()(using id2) merge a.upkeep()(using id3)
assertEquals(, Some(1))

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Expand Up @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ import rdts.dotted.Dotted
import rdts.syntax.LocalReplicaId

class TokensTest extends munit.FunSuite {
given dots: Dots = Dots.empty
given Lattice[Dotted[Token]] = Lattice.derived
val numOfReplicas = 5
given dots: Dots = Dots.empty
given Lattice[Dotted[Token]] = Lattice.derived
val numOfReplicas = 5
val replicas: Seq[LocalReplicaId] = List.tabulate(numOfReplicas)(_ => LocalReplicaId.gen())
var token = Dotted(Token(
os = Ownership.unchanged,
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Expand Up @@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ class ConnectionManager(lrid: LocalReplicaId) {

val addPeerRef: Evt[PeerRef[?]] = Evt()

val peers: Signal[List[PeerRef[?]]] = Fold(List.empty){
addPeerRef act {_ :: current}
val peers: Signal[List[PeerRef[?]]] = Fold(List.empty) {
addPeerRef act { _ :: current }

def addConnection[T](connection: BiChan, coder: MessageCoder[T]): Async[Ctx, Unit] = {
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Expand Up @@ -6,9 +6,7 @@ import rdts.base.Uid
import rdts.datatypes.alternatives.ResettableCounter
import rdts.datatypes.contextual.{ReplicatedSet, EnableWinsFlag, MultiVersionRegister, ObserveRemoveMap, ReplicatedList}
import rdts.datatypes.experiments.AuctionInterface.AuctionData
import rdts.datatypes.{
Epoch, GrowOnlyCounter, GrowOnlyList, GrowOnlyMap, GrowOnlySet, LastWriterWins, PosNegCounter, TwoPhaseSet
import rdts.datatypes.{Epoch, GrowOnlyCounter, GrowOnlyList, GrowOnlyMap, GrowOnlySet, LastWriterWins, PosNegCounter, TwoPhaseSet}
import rdts.dotted.Dotted
import rdts.time.{ArrayRanges, Dot, Dots, Time}

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Expand Up @@ -32,9 +32,6 @@ given [T](using JsonValueCodec[T]): Conversion[T, MessageBuffer] = v => ArrayMes

given JsonValueCodec[BroadcastCommunication] = JsonCodecMaker.make

object Example {

// label seems mostly for auto negotiation
Expand All @@ -57,12 +54,12 @@ object Example {
val renderedAddConnectionButton = button("new peerConnection").render

Async.fromCallback {
renderedAddConnectionButton.onclick = (ev: MouseEvent) =>
}.map: _ =>
val handling = WebRTCHandling(None)
renderedAddConnectionButton.onclick = (ev: MouseEvent) =>
}.map: _ =>
val handling = WebRTCHandling(None)

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