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Milestone 8: Process feedback, improve data exchange, documentation

Closed Oct 3, 2022 100% complete

The goal of this milestone is to process feedback and tie up the loose ends before the public launch of the RSD. Topics to look at include:

  • Process the feedback / bug reports / feature requests we received from NLeSC users in M7
  • Complete / update the user documentation (docs site, instructions in RSD, link between both?)
  • Improve the research units concept

The goal of this milestone is to process feedback and tie up the loose ends before the public launch of the RSD. Topics to look at include:

  • Process the feedback / bug reports / feature requests we received from NLeSC users in M7
  • Complete / update the user documentation (docs site, instructions in RSD, link between both?)
  • Improve the research units concept
  • Improve landing page, logo, branding, etc.
  • Ensure we have suitable REST APIs for bulk import/export of data
  • Ensure we have suitable REST APIs for export of data to wordpress sites
  • Ensure we have suitable REST APIs data exchange with other services (NARCIS?)
  • Complete integration with Matomo (if needed)
  • Prepare workshop on RSD