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Pablo Costa edited this page Sep 14, 2023 · 5 revisions

Here are known error messages and likely causes / solutions.

Gatsby build killed with SIGKILL

If your build is failing on Netlify with this error, you may need to set the environment variable GATSBY_CPU_COUNT to 1.

  "build.command" failed                                        

  Error message
  Command was killed with SIGKILL (Forced termination): gatsby build

  Error location
  In Build command from Netlify app:
  gatsby build

Building static HTML failed for path "/fr/"

Building static HTML failed for path "/fr/"

See our docs page for more info on this error:

  36 |     const translation = data[`latestReport_${language}`];
  37 |
> 38 |     latestReport.title = translation.title;
     |                                      ^
  39 |     latestReport.text = translation.text;
  40 |   }

You likely need to run the reports translation script.

$ cd site/gatsby-site 
$ node src/scripts/translate-incident-reports.js

Realm trigger errors

If onIncidentUpdate and onNewIncident triggers fail and can't be restarted, this is because a recent deploy was finished and the triggers has too much Incident updates to process.


It is good to know that these two triggers are used for managing Incident update notifications, so they are not needed on Staging. If you want to test the notification process on Staging or any other testing environment, you can restart each trigger by following these steps:

  1. Click Restart button
  2. Uncheck Restart this trigger with a resume token? option
  3. Click Resume Trigger button