crc32 format ROM art
Play with the online converter
Convert PNG to ROM art
git subtree push --prefix www heroku master
# Homebrew
$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
# Node.js
$ brew install node
# Image Magick
brew install imagemagick@7.0.8-56
# Navigate to app folder
$ cd app
# Install NPM packages
npm i
# run it
$ npm run dev
# Prompt (If you have not run this script, answer yes)
$ Would you like to run the conversion script now? (Y/n)
# Go have a coffee
If the above produces nothing
You may need to enable permissions on 2 files
$ cd ../
$ chmod 777
$ chmod 777 app/
Run it again
$ npm run dev
Running the above script will produce two (2) folders
- jpg
- romart
The romart
fodler contains *.art files in the emulator folder it belongs to!
Head on over to the great tool SarahC built on Code Pen
Upload one of your *.art files from the romart folder
- Eugene Yevhen Andruszczenko - Initial and Ongoing Work - 32teeth
This project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International - see the file for details