Galvanic skin response (GSR), also known as skin conductance, can be used as a measure of emotional response. This plugin allows you to measure GSR in Unreal Engine 4, using the NeuLog GSR sensor module. This has applications for both controlled playtest analytics and also purpose-built games.
Tested on Unreal 4.13 and Windows-only for now.
Copy the NeulogGSR plugin to your game's Plugins directory.
if (INeulogGSRModule::IsAvailable())
INeulogGSRModule& GSR = INeulogGSRModule::Get();
INeulogSensorPtr NeulogSensor = GSR.FindSensor();
float CurrentGSRValue = NeulogSensor->GetValue();
The sample game in this repository includes a quick in-world graph of the GSR history: