These are materials and solutions from a course conducted at SUTD on computer graphics by Prof Natalie Agus over summer 2019. The materials from this course are adapted from MIT's 6.837 Computer Graphics during the SUTD-MIT academic collaboration. All solutions in this repository were built on Windows Visual Studio 2019 (Community), running on Windows 10 Pro (Version 1803). For more information, queries or issues with the content, please contact me via my email.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
To run these solutions, you will first need to download Windows Visual Studio 2019 from this link.
Because some parts of the solutions were built on an older version Windows, you will need use Windows SDK version 10.0.16299.0 to run the programs. To do this:
- First install this SDK version from here.
- Open the project in the Windows Studio 2019 environment (open the .sln file).
- In the "Solution Explorer" tab, right click the solution and open the "Properties" window.
- Go to "Configuration Properties" > "General" > "Windows SDK Version" and select the appropriate SDK version (10.0.16299.0)
- Click "apply" once done and "ok" to close the window.
Refer to the individual assignment readme's.
- Windows Visual Studio 2019 - The IDE.
- OpenGL - Open source C++ graphics library.
- Reuben R. W. Wang - Initial work - ReubsWRW