- Write a program to find distance between two points.
Expressions and Functions:
- Write a program to find the weight of the camel given height, length and stomach radius. weight = pi * stomach_raduius^3 * sqrt(height * length). using four functions and following function signatures. 5 marks
float input_radius(); float input_heigth(); float input_length(); or void input_camel_details(float *radius, float *height, float *length)
float find_weight(float radius, float height, float length); void output(float radius, float height, float length, float weight); and int main()
Expression, Functions and Structures.
- Write a program to find the weight of the camel given height, length and stomach radius. weight = pi * stomach_raduius^3 * sqrt(height * length). using four functions and following function signatures. 5 marks struct camel { float radius, height, length,weight; }; typedef struct camel Camel; Camel input(); /* do not take weight as input from the user / float find_weight(Camel c); / pass by value */ or void find_weight(Camel *c); /*passing address variable */ void output(Camel c); and int main()
if then else statements
- When a camel is
a) sick its stomach_radius is less than height and less than length. b) happy its height is less than length and less than stomach_radius. c) tense its length is less than height and stomach_radius.
Write a program to find whether a camel is sick, happy, or tense. With functions and structure - 5 marks.
Loops and sequences
- Write a program to find borga^x given x. The formula for finding borga^x
1 + x/3! + x^2/5! + x^3/7! .....
stop when the next term is less 0.000001, With four functions.
Array processing With functions. 6.) Write a program to find the average of odd numbers use following function prototypes. void input(int n, int a[n]); float odd_average(int n, int a[n]); void output(int n, int a[n]); /* print all the elements of the array and then the average */ and main.
7.) Write a program to find if the name of the camel is a nice name. Camels name is nice if it has at least 2 vowels and 2 consonants in it. with four functions - 5 marks.
Array of Structures
8.) Write program to find the weight of a truck load of n camels. Take input a) truck weight and b) height, radius and length of n camels and compute the total truck weight. ( Truck weight + weight of the camels) With functions - 5 marks.
Call functions from earlier programs where required. float input_truck_weight(); int input_no_camels(); void input_camel_details(int n, Camel c[n]); float comput_total_weight(int n, Camel c[n], float truck_weight); void ouput(float total_truck_weight); and int main()