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Library File paths.scad

Polylines, polygons and paths. To use, add the following lines to the beginning of your file:

include <BOSL/constants.scad>
use <BOSL/paths.scad>

Table of Contents

  1. Functions

  2. 2D Modules

  3. 3D Modules

1. Functions



  • simplify2d_path(path, [eps])

Description: Takes a 2D polyline and removes unnecessary collinear points.

Argument What it does
path A list of 2D path points.
eps Largest angle delta between segments to count as colinear. Default: 1e-6



  • simplify3d_path(path, [eps])

Description: Takes a 3D polyline and removes unnecessary collinear points.

Argument What it does
path A list of 3D path points.
eps Largest angle delta between segments to count as colinear. Default: 1e-6



  • path3d_length(path)

Description: Returns the length of the path.

Argument What it does
path The list of points of the path to measure.


path = [[0,0], [5,35], [60,-25], [80,0]];



  • path2d_regular_ngon(n, r|d, [cp], [scale]);

Description: Returns a 2D open counter-clockwise path of the vertices of a regular polygon of n sides.

Argument What it does
n Number of polygon sides.
r Radius of regular polygon.
d Radius of regular polygon.
cp Centerpoint of regular polygon. Default: [0,0]
scale [X,Y] scaling factors for each axis. Default: [1,1]


trace_polyline(path2d_regular_ngon(n=12, r=50), N=1, showpts=true);

path2d_regular_ngon() Example



  • path3d_spiral(turns, h, n, r|d, [cp], [scale]);

Description: Returns a 3D spiral path.

Argument What it does
h Height of spiral.
turns Number of turns in spiral.
n Number of spiral sides.
r Radius of spiral.
d Radius of spiral.
cp Centerpoint of spiral. Default: [0,0]
scale [X,Y] scaling factors for each axis. Default: [1,1]


trace_polyline(path3d_spiral(turns=2.5, h=100, n=24, r=50), N=1, showpts=true);

path3d_spiral() Example



  • points_along_path3d(polyline, path);

Description: Calculates the vertices needed to create a polyhedron() of the extrusion of polyline along path. The closed 2D path shold be centered on the XY plane. The 2D path is extruded perpendicularly along the 3D path. Produces a list of 3D vertices. Vertex count is len(polyline)*len(path). Gives all the reoriented vertices for polyline at the first point in path, then for the second, and so on.

Argument What it does
polyline A closed list of 2D path points.
path A list of 3D path points.

2. 2D Modules


Description: Creates a 2D polygon circle, modulated by one or more superimposed sine waves.

Argument What it does
r radius of the base circle.
sines array of [amplitude, frequency] pairs, where the frequency is the number of times the cycle repeats around the circle.


modulated_circle(r=40, sines=[[3, 11], [1, 31]], $fn=6);

modulated_circle() Example

3. 3D Modules


Description: Extrudes a 2D shape between the points pt1 and pt2. Takes as children a set of 2D shapes to extrude.

Argument What it does
pt1 starting point of extrusion.
pt2 ending point of extrusion.
convexity max number of times a line could intersect a wall of the 2D shape being extruded.
twist number of degrees to twist the 2D shape over the entire extrusion length.
scale scale multiplier for end of extrusion compared the start.
slices Number of slices along the extrusion to break the extrusion into. Useful for refining twist extrusions.


extrude_from_to([0,0,0], [10,20,30], convexity=4, twist=360, scale=3.0, slices=40) {
    xspread(3) circle(3, $fn=32);

extrude_from_to() Example


Description: Similar to linear_extrude(), except the result is a hollow shell.

Argument What it does
wall thickness of shell wall.
height height of extrusion.
twist degrees of twist, from bottom to top.
slices how many slices to use when making extrusion.


extrude_2d_hollow(wall=2, height=100, twist=90, slices=50)
    circle(r=40, $fn=6);

extrude_2d_hollow() Example


Description: Takes a closed 2D polyline path, centered on the XY plane, and extrudes it along a 3D spiral path of a given radius, height and twist.

Argument What it does
polyline Array of points of a polyline path, to be extruded.
h height of the spiral to extrude along.
r radius of the spiral to extrude along.
twist number of degrees of rotation to spiral up along height.


poly = [[-10,0], [-3,-5], [3,-5], [10,0], [0,-30]];
extrude_2dpath_along_spiral(poly, h=200, r=50, twist=1080, $fn=36);

extrude_2dpath_along_spiral() Example


Description: Takes a closed 2D path polyline, centered on the XY plane, and extrudes it perpendicularly along a 3D path path, forming a solid.

Argument What it does
polyline Array of points of a polyline path, to be extruded.
path Array of points of a polyline path, to extrude along.
ang Angle in degrees to rotate 2D polyline before extrusion.
convexity max number of surfaces any single ray could pass through.


shape = [[0,-10], [5,-3], [5,3], [0,10], [30,0]];
path = concat(
    [for (a=[30:30:180]) [50*cos(a)+50, 50*sin(a), 20*sin(a)]],
    [for (a=[330:-30:180]) [50*cos(a)-50, 50*sin(a), 20*sin(a)]]
extrude_2dpath_along_3dpath(shape, path, ang=140);

extrude_2dpath_along_3dpath() Example


Description: Extrudes 2D children along a 3D polyline path. This may be slow.

Argument What it does
path array of points for the bezier path to extrude along.
convexity maximum number of walls a ran can pass through.
clipsize increase if artifacts are left. Default: 1000


path = [ [0, 0, 0], [33, 33, 33], [66, 33, 40], [100, 0, 0], [150,0,0] ];
extrude_2d_shapes_along_3dpath(path) circle(r=10, $fn=6);

extrude_2d_shapes_along_3dpath() Example


Description: Renders lines between each point of a polyline path. Can also optionally show the individual vertex points.

Argument What it does
pline The array of points in the polyline.
showpts If true, draw vertices and control points.
N Mark the first and every Nth vertex after in a different color and shape.
size Diameter of the lines drawn.
color Color to draw the lines (but not vertices) in.


polyline = [for (a=[0:30:210]) 10*[cos(a), sin(a), sin(a)]];
trace_polyline(polyline, showpts=true, size=0.5, color="lightgreen");

trace_polyline() Example


Description: A drop-in replacement for polygon() that renders and labels the path points.

Argument What it does
points The array of 2D polygon vertices.
paths The path connections between the vertices.
convexity The max number of walls a ray can pass through the given polygon paths.


        path2d_regular_ngon(r=10, n=8),
        path2d_regular_ngon(r=8, n=8)
        [for (i=[0:7]) i],
        [for (i=[15:-1:8]) i]

debug_polygon() Example