errorformat is Vim's quickfix errorformat implementation in golang.
errorformat provides default errorformats for major tools. You can see defined errorformats here. Also, it's easy to add new errorformat in a similar way to Vim's errorformat.
Note that it's highly compatible with Vim implementation, but it doesn't support Vim regex.
Try errorformat on the Playground!
The playground uses gopherjs to try errorformat implementation in Go with JavaScript ✨
import ""
in := ` exported var V should have comment or be unexported exported var NewError1 should have comment or be unexported comment on exported function F should be of the form "F ..." comment on exported function F2 should be of the form "F2 ..."
efm, _ := errorformat.NewErrorformat([]string{`%f:%l:%c: %m`, `%-G%.%#`})
s := efm.NewScanner(strings.NewReader(in))
for s.Scan() {
}|3 col 5| exported var V should have comment or be unexported|5 col 5| exported var NewError1 should have comment or be unexported|7 col 1| comment on exported function F should be of the form "F ..."|11 col 1| comment on exported function F2 should be of the form "F2 ..."
go get -u
Usage: errorformat [flags] [errorformat ...]
errorformat reads compiler/linter/static analyzer result from STDIN, formats
them by given 'errorformat' (90% compatible with Vim's errorformat. :h
errorformat), and outputs formated result to STDOUT.
$ echo '/path/to/file:14:28: error message\nfile2:3:4: msg' | errorformat "%f:%l:%c: %m"
/path/to/file|14 col 28| error message
file2|3 col 4| msg
$ golint ./... | errorformat -name=golint
The -f flag specifies an alternate format for the entry, using the
syntax of package template. The default output is equivalent to -f
'{{.String}}'. The struct being passed to the template is:
type Entry struct {
// name of a file
Filename string
// line number
Lnum int
// column number (first column is 1)
Col int
// true: "col" is visual column
// false: "col" is byte index
Vcol bool
// error number
Nr int
// search pattern used to locate the error
Pattern string
// description of the error
Text string
// type of the error, 'E', '1', etc.
Type rune
// true: recognized error message
Valid bool
// Original error lines (often one line. more than one line for multi-line
// errorformat. :h errorformat-multi-line)
Lines []string
-f string
format template for -w=template (default "{{.String}}")
list defined errorformats
-name string
defined errorformat name
-sarif.tool-name string
Tool name for Sarif writer format. Use -name flag if available.
-w string
writer format (template|checkstyle|jsonl|sarif) (default "template")
$ cat testdata/
[warn] /path/to/F1.scala:203: local val in method f is never used: (warning smaple 3)
[warn] val x = 1
[warn] ^
[warn] /path/to/F1.scala:204: local val in method f is never used: (warning smaple 2)
[warn] val x = 2
[warn] ^
[error] /path/to/F2.scala:1093: error: value ++ is not a member of Int
[error] val x = 1 ++ 2
[error] ^
[warn] /path/to/dir/F3.scala:83: local val in method f is never used
[warn] val x = 4
[warn] ^
[error] /path/to/dir/F3.scala:84: error: value ++ is not a member of Int
[error] val x = 5 ++ 2
[error] ^
[warn] /path/to/dir/F3.scala:86: local val in method f is never used
[warn] val x = 6
[warn] ^
$ errorformat "%E[%t%.%+] %f:%l: error: %m" "%A[%t%.%+] %f:%l: %m" "%Z[%.%+] %p^" "%C[%.%+] %.%#" "%-G%.%#" < testdata/
/path/to/F1.scala|203 col 13 warning| local val in method f is never used: (warning smaple 3)
/path/to/F1.scala|204 col 7 warning| local val in method f is never used: (warning smaple 2)
/path/to/F2.scala|1093 col 15 error| value ++ is not a member of Int
/path/to/dir/F3.scala|83 col 13 warning| local val in method f is never used
/path/to/dir/F3.scala|84 col 19 error| value ++ is not a member of Int
/path/to/dir/F3.scala|86 col 13 warning| local val in method f is never used
$ cat fmts/testdata/ | errorformat -name=sbt -w=checkstyle
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<checkstyle version="1.0">
<file name="/home/haya14busa/src/">
<error column="3" line="6" message="missing argument list for method error in object Predef" severity="error"></error>
<error column="15" line="4" message="private val in object F is never used" severity="warning"></error>
<error column="15" line="5" message="private method in object F is never used" severity="warning"></error>
$ cat fmts/testdata/ | errorformat -name=sbt -w=jsonl
{"filename":"/home/haya14busa/src/","lnum":6,"col":3,"vcol":true,"nr":0,"pattern":"","text":"missing argument list for method error in object Predef","type":101,"valid":true,"lines":["[error] /home/haya14busa/src/ missing argument list for method error in object Predef","[error] Unapplied methods are only converted to functions when a function type is expected.","[error] You can make this conversion explicit by writing `error _` or `error(_)` instead of `error`.","[error] error","[error] ^"]}
{"filename":"/home/haya14busa/src/","lnum":4,"col":15,"vcol":true,"nr":0,"pattern":"","text":"private val in object F is never used","type":119,"valid":true,"lines":["[warn] /home/haya14busa/src/ private val in object F is never used","[warn] private val unused = 1","[warn] ^"]}
{"filename":"/home/haya14busa/src/","lnum":5,"col":15,"vcol":true,"nr":0,"pattern":"","text":"private method in object F is never used","type":119,"valid":true,"lines":["[warn] /home/haya14busa/src/ private method in object F is never used","[warn] private def unusedF = {}","[warn] ^"]}
It supports SARIF (Static Analysis Results Interchange Format) as output experimentally. Use -w=sarif
to give it a shot.
Example: errorformat -w=sarif
$ cat fmts/testdata/ | errorformat -name=sbt -w=sarif
"$schema": "",
"runs": [
"results": [
"level": "error",
"locations": [
"physicalLocation": {
"artifactLocation": {
"uri": "fmts/testdata/resources/scala/scalac.scala",
"uriBaseId": "%SRCROOT%"
"region": {
"startColumn": 3,
"startLine": 6
"message": {
"text": "missing argument list for method error in object Predef"
"level": "warning",
"locations": [
"physicalLocation": {
"artifactLocation": {
"uri": "fmts/testdata/resources/scala/scalac.scala",
"uriBaseId": "%SRCROOT%"
"region": {
"startColumn": 15,
"startLine": 4
"message": {
"text": "private val in object F is never used"
"level": "warning",
"locations": [
"physicalLocation": {
"artifactLocation": {
"uri": "fmts/testdata/resources/scala/scalac.scala",
"uriBaseId": "%SRCROOT%"
"region": {
"startColumn": 15,
"startLine": 5
"message": {
"text": "private method in object F is never used"
"tool": {
"driver": {
"name": "sbt"
"version": "2.1.0"
- reviewdog/reviewdog - A code review dog who keeps your codebase healthy
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