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Review relic for iOS, for integrating Review relic into your iOS application.


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation

Review Relic Android Sdk

You can create your app on Review Relic Web portal


Review Relic for Android supports API 16 and above.

Step 1.

Add the JitPack repository to your build file

Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }
Step 2.

Add the dependency

dependencies {
        implementation 'com.github.reviewrelic-universe:android-sdk:1.0.1'

Sample Apps

A project with some basic example is provided here.


We include the INTERNET permission by default as we need it to make network requests:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>

Code Initialization

To initialize the Review Relic SDK in your app, use below snippet in your app's Application class or where ever you seems appropiate:

Initialize SDK

    .setSecretKey("") /* Secret key obtained from Web portal of review relic */
    .setToken("") /* Token obtained from Web portal of review relic */
    .setMerchantId("") /* Merchant Id obtained from Web portal of review relic */
    .enableLogging() /* Set to true if you want to see logs */
    .setInitializeListener() /* Callback for successful initialization of SDK */

Following are functions you need to call for SDK initialization:

Attribute Function Description Type Required Default value
secretKey setSecretKey() Set the environment API key String Yes Should be non-null
token setToken() Set the environment Token String Yes Should be non-null
merchantId setMerchantId() Set the merchant ID String Yes Should be non-null
logging enableLogging() Toggle logging for SDK Boolean No false
onInitializedListener setInitializeListener() Listener for successful intializaiton of SDK ReviewRelicOnInitializedListener No Null

Show Sheet

    transactionId = "",  /*Transaction Id*/
    thankYouMessage = "", /*Thank you message*/
    fragmentManager = , /* Pass fragment manager from your Activity/Fragment */
    reviewRelicBottomSheetInputs = ReviewRelicBottomSheetInputs(
                    title = "", /*Title you want to show (will override the title set on Web portal)*/
                    subtitle = "", /*Subtitle  you want to show (will override the subtitle set on Web portal)*/
                    image = null /*Icon you want to show (will override the icon set on Web portal)*/
    onSubmitCallback = {} /* Callback for successfully submitting review */

Following are the parameters details for showing sheet:

Parameters Description Type Required Default value
transactionId Transaction Id for your review String No null
thankYouMessage Thank you message you want to show String No "Thank you"
reviewRelicBottomSheetInputs BottomSheet inputs user can override (See table for detailed attributes) No null
fragmentManager Pass fragment manager from your Activity/Fragment FragmentManager Yes Should be non-null
onSubmitCallback Callback for successfully submitting review No
ReviewRelicBottomSheetInputs Attributes

Following are the parameters details for ReviewRelicBottomSheetInputs class:

Parameters Description Type Required Default value
title Title you want to show (will override the title set on Web portal) String No null
subtitle Subtitle you want to show (will override the subtitle set on Web portal) String No null
image Icon you want to show (will override the icon set on Web portal) No null
ReviewRelicImage Attributes

Following are the parameters details for ReviewRelicImage class:

Parameters Description Type Required Default value
image Image ResourceId (Drawable Int) or Base64 (String) Any No null
type ImageType (ResourceId,Bas64) from Enum No null