DEPRECATED! This is because stolon project is no longer maintained by the owners. Switched to CrunchyData PGO instead.
Ansible role and sample playbook to deploy sorintlab/stolon on a Kubernetes cluster.
Based on sorintlab/stolon/examples/kubernetes.
- Python3 and pip3
- Developed and tested with ansible 2.8
- Mitogen is higly recommended:
- Download:
mkdir -p plugins && cd plugins && git clone
- Set in sample-absible.cfg:
strategy_plugins = plugins/mitogen/ansible_mitogen/plugins/strategy
strategy = mitogen_linear
- Setup ansible inventory:
- To run remotely:
- Set your ansible_host in
to point to your kubernetes master - Set up your ssh key for authentication to the master
- Set your ansible_host in
- To run locally:
- in
, uncomment:ansible_connection: local
- set the playbook variable
pointing to a local kubeconfig
- in
- To run remotely:
Full playbook:
ANSIBLE_SSH_PIPELINING=true \ ANSIBLE_CONFIG=sample-ansible.cfg \ ansible-playbook sample-playbook.yml \ --inventory sample-inventory \ --extra-vars "@params-override.yml -v"
Just database creation: add
--tags data_clusters
Just simple schema creation: add
--tags create_schemas
Just SQL scripts: add
--tags execute_sql
Parameter | Default Value | Description |
kubeconfig_file_path | undefined |
Optional path to kubeconfig file containing k8s cluster, user and context. The one in a default location will be used if empty |
kubernetes_retries | 10 | k8s objects: Maximum number of retries before giving up in error and drama |
kubernetes_delay | 15 | k8s objects: Delay in seconds between retries |
kubernetes_force | false | k8s objects: Replace the existing object instead of updating it |
kubernetes_state | undefined |
k8s objects: If set to 'absent' will delete all stolon k8s objects, but the data should be left intact |
stolon_namespace | stolon | Kubernetes namespace |
stolon_release | '' | Optional prefix for stolon objetcs |
stolon_rbac | true | Enable RBAC |
stolon_cluster | kube-stolon | Stolon cluster name. Will be prefixed with stolon_release - |
stolon_keeper_replicas | 2 | Number of keeper (statefulset) replicas |
stolon_proxy_replicas | 2 | Number of proxy (deployment) replicas |
stolon_sentinel_replicas | 2 | Number of sentinel (deployment) replicas |
stolon_image | sorintlab/stolon:master-pg12 | Docker image for all stolon components |
stolon_secret_password | generated |
Password for stolon database user. If not specified, a 15 length random password will be generated. Must NOT be base64 encoded |
stolon_secret_replpassword | generated |
Password for the replication user. If not specified, a 15 length random password will be generated. Must NOT be base64 encoded |
stolon_stkeeper_debug | false | Enable debug for keeper |
stolon_stproxy_debug | false | Enable debug for proxy |
stolon_stsentinel_debug | false | Enable debug for sentinel |
stolon_storage_class | stolon-local-storage | Name of k8s storage class to be created/used |
stolon_storage_class_reclaim_policy | Retain | Reclaim policy, overriding k8s default of Delete |
stolon_storage_size | 1Gi | Size of the local PersistentVolume |
stolon_storage_local_path | /stolon-local-data | Data directory. PostgreSQL data will be in stolon_storage_local_path /postgres |
stolon_proxy_service.externalIPs | undefined |
Array of IPs for exposing proxy-service |
stolon_proxy_service.port | 5432 | External proxy port |
stolonctl_retries | 10 | Number of retries for the stolonctl task before giving up. Increase this if hardware is slower |
stolonctl_delay | 15 | Delay in seconds between each retry |
postgresql_schemas | [] | List of objects to create roles with login and password and schemas |
postgresql_scripts | [] | List of SQL statements to run after database creation (e.g. DDL to create schemas, etc) |
The following can be set in a vars file, e.g.
External IPs for the proxy service:
stolon_proxy_service: externalIPs: -
Create roles and schemas for applications
## Automatically create schemas and roles (accounts) to login to the schemas for various apps postgresql_schemas: ## Create a schema keycloak, and set role and password the same: - name: "keycloak" ## Create a schema with a different role and password - name: "myschema" role: "myrole" password: "mypassword"
SQl Scripts:
postgresql_scripts: - | SOME OTHER SQL SCRIPT HERE;