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2019 archive

Robert Piotrowski edited this page Apr 22, 2021 · 2 revisions

Archive of the old wikis from the beginning of Duino-Coin - summer of 2019

These wikis are only here for nostalgic reasons, to see how Duino-Coin looked like back in the day :)

Main page

Welcome to the official duino-coin wiki!

Step by step instructions have been moved to Getting Started page on our website.

If you're looking for older tutorials however:


First step

Click here to download latest release for your OS.

At the time the Wiki was written, it was Pre-Alpha 2. I'm using Windows, so I download release.

Second Step

Unzip the archive. You should see two apps named Miner.exe and Wallet.exe (if you chose Windows version).

Launch app named Wallet.exe. If you need help about using the Miner.exe, check out this wiki page.

Third step

Wallet will automatically connect to the server. If you're a first timer you probably don't have account. In order to make one, type n and click Enter.

Write your username, then password and confirm password. The account should be successfully created.

After that, do what it says - restart the wallet. Then type y (to login) and submit your account credentials. If everything goes right, you should se main wallet window.

There you can check your current account balance.

Sending Funds

First step

Type y in main wallet window to initiate sending funds protocol.

Second step

Provide information about how much and who to you want to send funds.

If everything works as intended, the funds should be transfered.

There you have it, now you know how to use the duino-coin wallet!

Arduino Mining

First step

If you haven't already, download Arduino IDE for your OS and install it.

Second Step

Download/copy Arduino Miner Code (or download latest release containing Arduino Code). Open it using Arduino IDE and connect Arduino to your computer. Select your arduino board, COM port and click Upload.

Your Arduino board should be now prepared to start mining duino-coins. Read Using the miner wiki to get start mining.

PC Mining

First step

Click here to download latest release for your OS.

At the time the Wiki was written, it was Pre-Alpha 2. I'm using Windows, so I download release.

Second Step

Unzip the archive. You should see two apps named Miner.exe and Wallet.exe (if you chose Windows version).

Launch app named Miner.exe. If you need help about using the Wallet.exe, check out this wiki page.

Third step

Miner will automatically scan available serial ports. When it's done, it will display ones that were found. Enter COM port number of your Arduino. In my case it was COM8. (If you don't know which one is your Arduino, check out this page).

Then, press Enter.

Fourth step

Miner will automatically connect to the server (official pool). If you're a first timer you probably don't have account. In order to make one, type n and click Enter. Then write your username, password and confirm password. The account should be successfully created.

Restart the miner, and login by selecting y (to login) instead of n (to register) in login window.

If you've done everything correctly (and prepared the Arduino!) the miner will start mining. You can check your account balance using Wallet.exe. If you need help with that, check out this wiki page.

Happy mining! 😄